Sep 30, 2008 23:20
I don't remember if I posted yesterday. Hm. Anyway.
Yesterday was my mom's bday. We got her a bracelet and a necklace and made her a rap. It went like this:
Yo, today's your birthday, you're turnin' fitty-two
We got choo this present cuz we love you
We been through some rough times but you know we ain't hatin'
We love the dinnas that you be makin'
Take this from our hands, don't keep us waitin'
Come give us a hug, don't leave us hangin'
Word to your mother
You're my mother
Happy Birthday
w00t. Last night I also had this really weird dream. Heather was in it. She had mild schiztophrenia and forgot to take her meds. For a while I was her and from her POV I had 3 things going on at once... It was so weird...
Alrighty so today... We finished filming our english project! The one with Huck and Chris. I have to remember tomorrow to go borrow a cord so I can upload the clips onto my computer. Hopefully it works, or I'm screwed. Anyway, then me and Hal went and visited Heather and her fish! She named them Jasper, Alice, Socrates, Dory, and Eric. Kinda random, but whatever. Then me and Hal went to Cambridge and played on the playground to kill time. Finally, we went to Flemmings for mi madre's bday dinner. It was uber expensive, but really good. The dessert was the best. Me Colton and Lee had a really awkward conversation... He told us about himself doing drugs... He said his favorite was shrooms and he'd done LSD a bunch before... Plus hat he joined a druggie club in college... He said he started cuz he moved away from his girlfriend when he was a junior...
After that conversation we started a debate about whether servants and slaves are similar or not. Colton's a retard cuz they definately aren't. But yeah it was a long debate and I still feel talked out from it... It was fun though!
So just now me and Rachael kinda had a heart to heart. I'm glad I told her about some of her flaws cuz maybe now she'll try to fix them. But after that we just had a normal conversation. It felt nice not to be annoyed with her. She listened for once.
I wish Heather would do that.
Anyway. Band tomorrow morning. Funnn. Also a physics test. Funnnnnnn again.
I found out on sunday that my class rank is 22nd... w00t! I'm proud, but I was hoping I'd be higher. I'm still in the top 10%, but.... I feel like I could do better. Maybe I should take more AP classes to bring up my GPA.
Gar. School is frustrating.
See ya tomorrow!!!