Feb 14, 2005 22:41
Yay! Today was marvelous. No bitterness whatsoever (surprsingly). I've found that people who are bitter on Valentine's Day are no fun. Yeah it's a day for "smug married couples" (quote courtesy of Bridget Jones), but who cares? I'm happy, I'm chipper and I'm bound to have my Marius...eventually. With prospects of perfection, who can be sad?
I was thinking...I wonder if God is lonely on Valentine's Day? I mean, he's not married and the last I checked, He didn't have any form of a...how to phrase it...love intrest...significant other (almost wrote sig figs, how creepy?)...special someone....fill in the blank. I heard He likes Virgins though (going to hell for that one). But anyway, when He's up there, doing his thing, does he look down on us groundlings and get jealous? Is God envious of secular love? One would think that the Holy stuff would take care of it...but that would get mighty old. He must be awfully lonely at night sometimes. Although, with millions of people praising you, would you need someone to love you? Do you think He ever has self doubts, or self esteem issues? I mean, does He just snap his fingers and have a different chick, or does He not even consider these types of things? Because if He doesn't...well...I feel sorry for him. It also wouldn't be too reassuring if God was having problems in the relationship department. What the hell kind of chance does that put for the rest of us?
Just a thing to ponder....