I'm not one for Philosophical ponderings, but...

Feb 03, 2005 21:35

Love. It's one of those things that even an atheist can have complete and utter faith in. It's not tangible, or even able to be described, but everyone is so convinced that it's out there, somewhere. Everyone has this unquenchable thirst for it, although not everyone is willing to admit it. Love is just as illusive as God, yet it has so many more followers. One can argue that Love is the only thing more powerful than God, although most people merely equate the two as being one and the same. However, when I talk of Love, I'm not talking about a Holy Love. I'm merely contemplating the attraction between a man and a women. (You see, when a man and a woman love each other....just kidding).

But seriously, I am certainly the wrong person to be contemplating these sorts of things, being that I've never been in love. I only know the stereotypes: What I'm SUPPOSED to do, and how people are SUPPOSED to feel. It's weird as an outsider to think of these things. It defies all logic to consider that there is ONE person out there for you. The whole concept of meeting a Prince Charming is kind of ridiculious. Logically, it is stupid to even consider it. Think of the billions of people out there. You meet only a fraction of them, and truly get-to-know only the most minute portion. What are the odds that you'll score a match? Slim to none.

I guess that is the problem within itself. Who says that there is a match? If you really want to get unromantic, you can rationalize that Love is merely a concept to justify the instinctive Need to have kids and continue the species. We have primal instincts that attract us to the strongest, smartest and most capable of continuing our lineage (although, if this were true, we should not have so many dumbasses in the world. A Paradox indeed). That's it. All love is is a bunch of hormones dressed up in fancy gowns and Maybelline foundation.

But how depressing is that? Are we capable of being so reliant on science that we can rationalize such a beautiful concept such a Love into merely a few chemicals in our brain? I'll admit, on more cynical days I am perfectly content with this explaination. But, only to a certain extent. It's disappoiting to think that all my expectations of what I'll one day encounter can be broken down into such a cold and scientific manner. Perhaps this is why so many people hold God and religion so dear: it hurts to think of the world as this complex and unfeeling place that is the way it is because it was designed to work that way, not just because it is simply more beautiful that way. When Love is broken down as something we are merely wired to do simply for survival, the intrigue and the Romance is killed. All the warm fuzzies I get when I think of myself one day married and having children with the man that I Love with all my heart...somehow it all seems so shallow when one views it through a microscope.

It truly is amazing when you think about it. It has been the most written about topic in human history. Perhaps it is because it is so illusive and deep. It delves into areas of the human psyche that we cannot even being to explain. People have done some insane things, all for the sake of "some feeling inside". A feeling that I have no comprehension of. I've tried to picture myself "In Love", but I can't do it. I can't see myself letting myself become that vunerable. To let someone that you hardly even know earn a place that near and dear to your heart; essentially become a part of you...or perhaps I am merely spouting off examples of what Love is "supposed" to do. And yet, I still have full confidence that one day, perhaps not to far from now, I WILL experience it. Perhaps it's not all it's cracked up to be. But either way, I can't wait for it to happen. For bad or for worse, for whatever reason it maybe, it is a part of being human.

"The greatest happiness of life it the conviction that we are loved -- loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
~Victor Hugo
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