Oh the Holidays!

Jan 01, 2005 15:14

Oh the Holidays. How I love them. And hate them at the same time. I'm going to pull a BJ and form a list:
What I love about the Holidays:
1) Family: I am SO blessed to have such a wonderful family. My cousins (Chael and Rachel) and my Uncle Mike and Aunt Jeannie came to visit for Christmas. My grandparents came a few days after. It was SO much fun. I love Rachel so very much. She's ten and she was my little sombrita the entire time. We had so much fun drawing; attempting to play pool; playing with my camera; staying up to atleast 3 o'clock each night listening to Josh Groban, Michael Ball and various other talented men who can sing; talking incessently; climbing all over Morgan Run in the freezing cold; playing "The Sims" (Chael at one point made a Sim Concentration camp by enclosing 6 Sims in a room, placing 4 ovens and a lot of plush furniture and setting the room on fire. It was perhaps THE most disturbing site I have EVER seen); playing "Rollar Coaster Tycoon"; watching football, Pirates of the Carribean, Snow Dogs, and Fighting Temptation; getting into polictical "discussions" (aka arguments); playing more pool; eating; drinking; being merry; eating some more; going to Bass Pro Shop and seeing just how much stuff they make for outdoorsy people; waking up on Christmas morning and opening presents; trying Egg Nog and Crown Royal for the first time (conclusion- ehhhhhh); and more eating.

2) Friends: I have the best friends ever too. Unfortunately, what with the whole party fiasco, I forgot to post what T gave me for Christmas. See, last year she got me Michael Ball (which was amazing). I was wondering how on earth she'd top herself. Well, she sure did. She got me tickets to see.......Josh Groban. In concert. Live. In Norfolk. With her and Christy. Did I mention Josh Groban would be there? Live? In the flesh? On stage? Within, like 500 yards? Singing? Live? And did I mention that it was in Norfolk? AKA Naval Base? AKA Very Hot Men? Quite possibly in Uniform? *Melts into a puddle of goo* *Realizes is unable to type now, so condenses back* The happiness is unbounded.
But I also love everyone else. On Tuesday I went with Christy, Sampy, Darius, Megan and Higgins to go see Phantom. *Sigh again* It was SO good. Poor Darius, all he sees is chick flicks with us. Oh well. Emily Rossum is amazing. Gerard Butler was no Michael Crawford, but good. Very good. It was funny b/c right as I was leaving, my brother was like "Joel Schumacher". I was like "What?" Then he said "3 words. Batman and Robin" I almost died. I was so scared, but it was SO good. I love that story. It makes the soundtrack make so much more sense. Needless to say, I went out and got the movie soundtrack the day after I saw it. It makes me so happy. Emily Rossum is my vocal range (if I had vocal training that is) and it's much easier to sing along with her than with Sarah Brightman.
Then, for New Years Treevor had a party and that was quite marvelous as well. Emma and Tommy came, and Ryan, another kid from South Carroll. New people to scare (muhaha). Anyway, we had a marvelous time insulting each other, playing Catch Phrase, insulting each other some more, and finding more ways to insult each other. Apparently when I say "Me" as a clue to a word, other people feel that I am: a virgin, ugly, a bitch, smart, perfect and cheap (which ironically was the correct answer). I will also never be beautiful according to Trevor (special wave). And apparently, the only thing in Africa is AIDS (going to hell for that one Trevor). Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, good times none the less. I had to leave early in order to go have champane and fireworks with the family (more about that later). Needless to say, I had a marvelous time and I hope everyone else did too. Presents are on the way! I swear!

3) Christmas: more specifically, the presents. I know I know, I'm a heathan and am going to hell. Ironically, I'm not Christian and am still celebrating Christmas, but who's counting? And I'm not talking about what I got, although the digital camera was perfect in every single way, but what I got other people too. I love seeing people's faces when they open their gifts up and are so happy with what you got them. Warm fuzzies all around.

4) Christmas food: More specifially, the sweets. Fudge and an ice cold glass of milk. Need I say more?

5) Being off school: No explaination necessary

6) Decorations: or as Chance says "Deserations". Specifically, the Christmas tree. None of this fake tree business. I don't care what people say, the candles just don't smell right. You HAVE to have a real tree. And we always put colored AND white lights on ours, which I love. Then we have all of the ornaments. My great-grandmother made most of them (it was a hobby of hers) and then there are the ones that Graham and I have been getting every year single we were zygotes. So each ornament has sentimental value and a story behind it. Even the ones that we found here after we moved in. Tehehehehehehehe. There's one glass ball that's painted and it says "Painted by Suzy Long".....my mothers name. However, my mother did not paint it *Cue Twilight Zone Music* V. creepy.

7) New Years: I have already described the champane and the drinking and the fireworks and the party and the various other festivities. But being that the first day of 2005 was 66 degrees: it only means that this is going to be a fantastic year. I'm in shorts now, just came in from playing soccer, which before then I took a bike ride all the way down to the Scoop. Most enjoyable.

What I don't like about the Holidays:
1) Family: While I love them beyond comprehension, sometimes they are a bit of a pain. Rachel would sometimes get a bit tiresome and the whole "constantly together" thing gets old. And then I feel guilty b/c I shouldn't resent being with my family. And then my friends get....not mad....not annoyed....I don't know, perturbed? that I can't get away sometimes. And then it's just not good.

2) Christmas food: Consequently I have gained 5 pounds in the past 2 weeks. Maybe it's because I'm reading Bridget Jones, but it is most disturbing. But I can't help it. I've determined that it's not my fault I eat them. It's their fault that they are there in the first place. And since they ARE there, it would be a pity to let them go to waste. They are SO delicious. Besides, it's the holidays. I'm SUPPOSED to eat delicious, marvelous, sweet things. *Pause* I think I want a cookie....

3) New Years Resolutions: I've never made them. I've never kept them. Why start this year?

4) The Holidays ending: My grandparents left today. My cousins and aunt and uncle left earlier in the week. The house is so empty. Plus side, I have spare time to do what I put off, but it's very hollow. Now all the decorations are coming down. All the warm fuzzies are over. We have to clean up the carnage of New Years (empty champane and Crown Royal bottles, clean out the glasses, clean up the food). Then....it's going to get cold again. And now there's nothing to look forward to. The next holiday is....Presidents Day? Huzzah!....Huzzah! See what I mean? Plus, one word that makes everyone cringe:

Well, that's all I can think of right now. All and all, it was a marvelous holiday. I'm trying to figure out this whole scrapbook thing, so pictures are shortly coming. I hope EVERYONE has as much fun as possible this holiday. I love EVERYONE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH. I know it sounds cliche, but people get caught up in the material things of the holidays (myself included). But it's the people that make the memories, so thank you everyone. Kisses all around.
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