Kiddi Widdy Winkies

Jul 08, 2004 20:37

OMG, I was winkied AGAIN (for those of you who are not aware of this vocabulary please: a) listen to the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang soundtrack, Song #17 "Kiddi Widdy Winkies" or b) read the following definition: to be violated and or contaminated by a chi-mo, sexual predator, or creepy old guy. Etmology: coined at Ice Planet with T, Courtney and I after I was visually sexually assaulted by a chi-mo there; see entry from June 22nd 2004) at work today. This is the 48109583049857798787686576576576576586576587657657657658 time in about 2 weeks. Ewwwwww, they just make me want to go home and take a shower.

Incident 1) about a week ago
A cop came in and his arm was in a sling. My manager asked him how he did it and he explained that it happened when he was chasing a bad guy (such steller vocabulary, I know) and he slipped on some oil in the parking lot. He was complaining about he was going fishing this weekend but he would be able to b/c of his arm. He then pointed at me and said, "I wouldn't mind taking her along though. Maybe not for fishin'..."

Incident 2) about a week ago on the same day as the Cop
I was on my break and was walking to Martins to kill a half an hour wandering aimlessly around. To get there, I had to walk by where they were renivating the H&R Block (aka- construction workers). Later on, when I was back at work, a lady came in and told me that when I walked by, all of the men in the H&R Block came out of the building and watched me walk up to Martins.

Incident 3) about 5 days ago
A man came in and asked for a carton of cigarettes. I bent over to see if they were on the bottom shelf and they weren't. I told him and he said "I think I see them over there" and pointed to the bottom shelf again. I bent over once more and then he laughed and said, "Nah, I was just kiddin' sweetheart, I just wanted you to bend over again."

Incident 4) today
A man came in and wouldn't stop talking about how pretty and blue my eyes were. He just kept going and going and going until finally some lady led him away. I think he had a mental disablility though, I wasn't too upset at that.

Incident 4) Today- the creepiest one of all
A man came from the back after dropping off a perscription and was on his way out of the store. I was behind the register. He glanced at me and just stopped dead in his tracks. He stared for a moment and then said, "You are beautiful." I told him thank you and he was like, "No, your not beautiful, you're gorgeous." I told him thank you again and asked if I could help him with anything. He said "Yeah, you can tell me how old you are." I told him that I was a Senior, hoping he'd understand that I WAS A MINOR!! His eyes lit up and he was like, "In college?" and I told him no, in high school. He then noticed my ring and asked if he could see it. I (STUPID STUPID GIRL!) held out my hand and he took it and kissed my hand. He then stepped closer to the counter and said, "You know, you're lucky there's a counter between us because otherwise I would hug you." I asked him if there was anything I could help him with, otherwise I would have to ask him to leave the store. He said no and started to walk out. I told him "Have a nice evening, sir" (automatic response to a customer leaving) and he turned around, came back and said "It's not sir, it's Darren." Then left.
A few minutes later T came in and she blessed me and cleansed me of the ickiness and grossness and ewww.
THEN, around 4:30, I was putting labels on the shelves when I saw him coming down the aisle I was on. He came up to me and was like "I know I'm too old for you, but you're so pretty. Can I have a hug?" and before I could move away, he tried to hug me. I started to push him away and THANK GOD Tom walked by because then he let go and left.

Ugh. I feel so.....EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I can't even describe how I felt during it. I should have been a lot more forceful telling him to get the fuck away from me, but....I don't know. I was so SHOCKED that this guy was being so GROSS that I didn't know what to do. It's also not everyday I tell off an adult. Stupid stupid girl, I should have just told him to get the hell out. Sick Sick people. I'm going to let my managers know about this, in case "Darren" comes back for another attempted groping.

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