much better!...rambling at the end

Jun 29, 2005 08:32

we are both much better today:-) Morgann FINALLY fell asleep at 9 p.m. She literally just cried in my arms for an hour before falling asleep. Poor little girl. She slept ALL night - waking up to eat at 6, then sleeping some more until 8. She is cooing and playing right now. I think the teething does hurt her, but not as bad after a good nights sleep. And now that I am not running off 4 hours of broken up sleep, I imagine I will be able to deal with her a little better.

I have to admit,  yesterday, I was so tired and nothing was working, so I just put her in her crib crying for about 1/2 an hour.  Normally, I wouldnt do that, but I needed a break. My DH had to work basically all day too - he was gone from about 8a to 9p yesterday, so that was rough. He offered to take him with her for a while, but the timing was bad and she needed to eat like 1/2 hour after they would have left. He is a great support, but the reality is, most of the parenting right now will fall on my shoulders. Thats really okay, but some days it can be hard. I love breastfeeding - but that also means I am on call 24/7. We just havent been disciplined in the bottle thing. I guess I could talk to Rich and see if he would commit to really giving her one bottle a day. But, that would be hard since he doesnt have a normal scheule. Yep, defintely just rambling here. All in all, God is good. He totally blessed us with a sweet little girl. We prayed last night that she would sleep all night and wake up at 8, and guess what, she did. Praise God:-)

The end.
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