Title: Lost and Found (Part 13a)
PerfectlyLexy &
DreamtoCreatePairing: Scott Barringer/Peter Scarbrow
Rating/Warning etc: Eventually NC-17.
Summary: Despite knowing better, and Scott’s denial, Peter and Scott realize they have feelings for one another that transcend that of student and teacher. Perhaps the lost truly can be found.
Continued from
Lost and Found (Part 12b).
"This sucks."
"I'll second that."
"Can you guys do anything but complain?"
The last was from Scott, who'd just about had enough of the Cliffhanger's whining. He supposed he wasn't one to talk. But for Christ’s sake, they needed all the breath they could muster *for* this stupid climb.
Peter paused from where he was and turned so he could look down at the others. "All right, all of you. It's not much different than what we've done in the past. It's just a bit higher and more labor intensive. Including the fact that you have to be partnered up."
"You could have picked better partners," Auggie pointed out, glancing sideways at his.
"Well, it's true!"
Ezra glared over at his partner. "I can't help it if I slipped!"
"Dude, you slipped three feet up... The *first* time."
Scott sighed and rolled his eyes up at Peter. "I blame you," he mouthed, then added to the group, "I think Scarbrow's point here is that whole work together thing. You know?"
The words coming from Scott only made Peter focus on the rock in front of him and smile. Well, if he'd not managed to ever teach Scott anything else, it seemed that he'd finally gotten through some things into that hard head. That in and of itself made it worth it as he listened to all of the cliffhangers harangue Scott.
"What the hell happened to you, Scott. You actually act like you're into this shit or something," Auggie retorted.
"So what if I am?"
Juliette shook her head. "Maybe he's actually learning something, Auggie. Ease up on him!"
He glanced over at the girl he wished he could talk in to being his girlfriend and sighed. "Okay, okay...maybe he has...but do the rest of us have to too?"
"Would it really kill you?" Kat inquired.
Hannah glared up at the kids above them. "Will you all shut up and concentrate. We'll be up at the top soon enough."
"Oh ho, Hannah's got claws," Auggie called, grinning down at her as they climbed higher in silence.
They made it up to the top where they were going to repel down from the next morning. Hannah stared out at them and shook her head. "You all act like you're dying," she said in amusement.
"We are," Jules groaned from where she lay, face pressed into the gritty cool rock.
"It was just a little rock, Juliette," Hannah retorted, moving over to join Peter and help him to get unhooked from all his equipment. "So, we send ‘em out in the teams we had planned earlier?" She couldn't help but smile at Scott who was all but 'hovering' nearby.
"You got it," Peter said, glancing over at Scott himself. "See if we can't "kill" them some more."
"All right, then," she answered, turning to look at the teens who all looked as if they were ready to die. "Auggie, Ezra, you're on firewood duty. We'll need wood enough to get us through the night.. Juliette, Kat, why don't you get the tents pitched and ready. Daisy, you're with me..." She glanced in amusement at Scott before teasing. "You and Peter can work on the food...don't worry, if you two mess it up, I brought a few dry bars to get us all through."
The response came from both at the exact same time. "Hey!"
A grin lit her face as she motioned for one of the other student's to join her. "I'll take care of...other things...you two have fun now!" At that, she turned and hurried down the path, looking for a good spot to place their portable toilet. It was perhaps one of the most onerous parts of camping, but hey, if she was willing to do it, and Peter was too, then the students couldn't complain _too_ much, now could they?
Scott watched the Cliffhangers disperse, then turned to Peter. "So, what exactly are we supposed to cook?"
"Stew. It's not that hard, it's already been made, we just have to heat it up. Let's just hope we don't burn it, eh?" he retorted, grinning broadly.
"Yeah," Scott snorted. "I could screw up macaroni back at home - cooking isn't a talent of mine."
"And cooking on an open fire is twice as hard. But, we can do it. I know we can!" he retorted, trying not to sound unsure of himself.
"Well, let's get to it then. At least I'm not bitching about dying like the rest of them," he added, somewhat contemptuously. "It wasn't that he hadn't felt that way. He'd just... Well he wasn't sure what. It just seemed somewhat counterproductive to bitch while you climbed.
"Will miracle never cease," Peter quipped, handing Scott the large pot.
"Now that is *not* cool." Scott playfully threatened him with the pot.
Peter couldn't help but be proud of the change he saw on the teen. Scott was more relaxed now than he'd ever seen him before. So much had changed within him that it was showing outwardly as well; in the ready way he smiled and teased, in the lack of defensiveness at every turn, in so many little ways. And seeing the look on Scott's face now, it took Peter's breath away.
"Why're you looking at me like that?" he asked softly, curiously.
"No reason," he replied softly, shrugging slightly as he glanced away. "Just having a moment...so, have you ever made stew before?"
He made a noise that was somewhere between a laugh and a snort. "You
kidding? Remember: can barely make mac and cheese."
Peter laughed, shaking his head. "Well, it's dried stew that we add water to and then cook. It's not all that hard, I assure you..." That said, he pulled out the package and a canteen. "And we can season it up like we want it. Put it over the fire, stir, and cook for about an hour. Let's just hope Auggie and Ezra get back with enough wood for us to get started soon."
Scott nodded, glancing around. No sign of the pair in question. "So, what'll we do until then?"
"We will mix up this stew and then perhaps I'll show you how to make field biscuits...if I don't wind up burning them," he retorted, grinning, ”then we just may have them with dinner!”
"In other words, you're giving me a home ec lesson?"
Peter laughed and nodded. "Absolutely! You know, even men need to learn how to cook in order to take care of themselves as bachelors."
"And you can teach me?" Scott's gaze was teasing and disbelieving at the same time as he worked next to Peter to prepare the meal. Eventually EZ and Auggie showed up with the firewood, then wandered off again leaving the pair alone once more to work together companionably, enjoying each other's company before everyone else slowly began trickling back into camp.
Lost and Found (Part 13b)