If 50,000 Americans had been killed by drug gangs in the last five years, do you suppose we'd reconsider our drug policy? Maybe not, we'd just pass laws giving police more and more unlimited power.
Anyway, the dead people are brown and speak Spanish so I guess it's not important enough to actually do anything about.
Hmm, how's the 2012 election looking on the drug policy front?
Obama: claims he's the same as Bush. This is actually a recurring theme; you might hear more about this.
Romney: doesn't contain any rays of hope
Santorum: is pretty funny. Santorum (put on the spot by a hostile questioner) claimed that the federal government doesn't put nonviolent drug offenders with families in prison.
Every Other Republican except Ron Paul: blah blah harsher sentences racism whatever.
Ron Paul: If he's the one people call a "kook," how come he's the only one with a sane idea?