Hi everyone!!
We're approaching the fourth day of sign ups for our
Song Lyric Fic Challenge. So far it looks like we have a pretty good turn out with 31 people participating. But we are still welcoming everyone who wants to participate! The Mods and I are just itching to hand out more lyrics. So if you've been contemplating signing up, take the leap and come join us.
You can sign up
HERE by commenting on this post. Please make sure to read all the Rules & Restrictions as well.
CALL TO ALL OUR MEMBERS! We need your help to promote our Song Lyric Fic Challenge. Do us a favor and tell your friends about it, pimp it out on your LJ or anywhere you may host your own fics. We're also always happy to see new members join the community, so help us spread the word. For those who have already been doing so, we greatly appreciate your help in getting the word out!
Just a quick FRIENDLY REMINDER: Please make sure that you use the proper LJ Tags when posting here on the community.
Also, if you've been missing any recent news about Half Blood Prince, you can always check out
hbpmoviepics. And if you're looking to keep track with what's going on regarding any filming news about Deathly Hallows,
dhmoviepics has got exactly what you're looking for. Remember that movie and character discussion is always welcome here. So, feel free to spread the word about any news, etc that may be of interest.
Thanks so much. Remember, if you haven't signed up for the Fic Challenge, you have until Wednesday, May 27th to do so.
Have a wonderful Thursday!