Happy New Year everyone!
As we all ring in 2009 together, I have to say that there were many good things that happened in 2008, but one of the happiest things for me was that we were able to bring to life this wonderful Harry/Ginny community. Now we're posting along with 200 members and nearly 250 watching and I'm happy as can be.
So, while I'm still on Cloud 9 over our great little community here, the other mods and I have decided to do something extra special that will hopefully be around for a long time to come. Beginning next week, we will host our first ever "Silverlining Awards" to celebrate all the wonderful H/G fic and art that was introduced to us in 2008.
Nominations will be open to everyone, members and non-members alike. The Nominee Poll will be up by Sunday night, 8 PM CST. You'll be allowed to nominate fic and art until January 14th and then soon after we'll allow everyone to 'Cast Your Vote' for the winners. Our goal is to announce the winners by January 31st.
But among the fic and art that will be celebrated, we'll also be introducing the award for "Beta of the Year" which will be nominated by you but voted upon by the Mods.
So, get ready for a great start to the New Year and help us celebrate with the First Annual Silverlining Awards.
Remember to watch for the post of the Nominee Poll this Sunday.