Feb 11, 2012 08:55
I'm not sure how "on topic" this is, and if it's not I'm fine with the mods deleting this post, but I've been wondering about the characterization of Harry and Ginny that you often see in nextgen stories. I don't know if many of you read stories about other pairings, but sometimes I really like reading about the Potter/Weasley children, and there are a few trends I've noticed that I don't totally understand.
Mostly what I don't get is the often-used plot device of Harry and Ginny being divorced, which I guess is a way to make James/Al/Lily's life less than perfect and therefore more relatable to readers. I'm just wondering what you guys think about this? I'm not claiming anything positive or negative in regards to this storyline, I just don't "see" it as easily as some other readers.
I'm sure there are some great fics that follow this idea, and if anyone would like to recommend/explain this then I'd definitely be open to it. I'm just trying to get a feel for what other readers think, so please leave your thoughts in the comments : )