Neighbors in love

Feb 28, 2007 17:31

So, here's the skivvy. I posted on here in 2005 and got my rating in 2006 and just
earlier today I checked it(2007). So, I figured I'd update what I had and repost
it(because I was told I could).
Here it is. The stuff in the ' ' are from my original post and the italicized stuff
are things I forgot to put in or just recent goings on.

‘Name: Elsa
Nicknames: Salsa, Avril, Elsie, Chicka,’ Ella
‘Age:’ 20
‘Likes: One Piece, Bleach, Reboot, Robot Chicken, Family Guy, American Dad, CSI, Law & Order, Hot Gimmick, Marmalade Boy, Girl Got Game, Hana Kimi, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Wallflower, Boys Over Flowers, Chobits, Fruits Basket, cats, dogs...basically most animals,’ majority of anime and manga, most/all books written by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, the Everworld series, His Dark Materials trilogy, The Only Alien on the Planet, Helsing, ‘etc.
Dislikes: People that hate you/others for absolutely no reason, those who are mean just "because", spiders, heights, onions, tomatoes, popcorn, oranges, homework, talking/public speaking,’ movies based on books where it ends up not resembling the book at all except for the title and most of the main characters, ‘etc.
Strong Points: I put on a strong face, almost always smiling, I make friends easily
Weak Points: I hide/depend on others too much, I'm naive, low self-esteem/confidence,’ hot temper with a short fuse

‘Hobbies: Reading, writing, drawing, watching tv/movies,’ writing/drawing my comic, cooking.
‘Talents: Art and singing,’ cooking
‘Favorite Color: Blue, green, & silver
Favorite Food: Salmon, steak, and fetticini/penne with alfredo sauce and/or broccoli & shrimp
Mature or Immature?: It depends...Sometimes I'm so mature people think I'm at least 5 or so years older than I am...but then I also have the immature parts that basically put me in with the high schoolers.
Leader or Follower?: Mostly follower, but if you do something to piss me off or the job's not getting done, I'm going to step up and be a leader.’ Though I am doing a lot more leading now-a-days.

‘Who's your favorite HG character? Why?: Ryoki. I guess it's sort of a pity/child-like innocence thing. I mean, he's this rich kid that's basically been handed everything and gets top marks, but he has no idea how the world works. Since he's grown up with people that do everything he wants, he just expects that of everyone including girlfriend/slave Hatsumi.’ Ryoki is cute and not wise to the ways of the world. Certain things are always expected of him, so he naturally assumes it’s expected of everyone. When the people around him don’t cater to his every need or do as expected, then he questions it because, to him, it’s abnormal.
‘Who's your least favorite HG character? Why?: Mrs. Tachibana and Ruri. They get on my nerves. Mrs. Tachibana is too controlling and EVIL.’ Mrs. Tachibana needs to realize that Ryoki has his own life and Hatsumi plays a role in it. ‘And poor Ruri is just butting in where she doesn't belong.’ Ruri is too pushy and Mrs. Tachibana should never have put the idea of dating Ryoki into her mind in the first place. It just pisses me off that everyone is trying to wreck Ryoki’s and Hatsumi’s lives.
‘If you were in the Hot Gimmick World, who would you want to be friends with? Explain.: Subaru, no doubt. We share the same interests. I love Gundam(Wing mostly). I'm totally in love with manga/anime and I know that we'd get along. Since I'd be friends with him, it would make sense that that would move onto his sister, Asahi as well. When I make friends, I usually make friends with their close siblings as well. Dunno why, it just always happens. Of course, I'd be friends with Akane because popular/preppy girls like her are drawn to me for some reason. Hatsumi would be included of course, because she's Akane's sister and because she's shy and soft spoken kinda like me.
Which Boy/Girl would you date from the HG World? Why?: I'd have to say Ryoki because he's the kind of forceful person that I need.’ He’s very demanding and blunt about things, which I need every once in a while in order to get the ball rolling. ‘Then there's Azusa who is confident of himself and basically [would] complete my personality.’ It’s nice to have a guy that talks, because I’m not all that talkative. Having a handsome, popular boyfriend like that would also gain a lot of people to my social circle, which would hopefully boost my ego and confidence, which I feel would also make Azusa feel better about himself. ‘But also, Shinogu is the kind of caring person that I'd want.’ Having a guy care about you like Shinogu cares for Hatsumi is heartbreakingly sweet. I wouldn’t mind having someone that would fight for me like that but also take care of me and help in my hour of need. ‘And Subaru is the dorky otaku I could share every hobby with.’ When dating, it’s a good idea to have a partner whom you share interests and hobbies with. Subaru and I seem to have an over abundance of that, so I’m sure we would get along quite nicely.

‘Anything Else? No...I think that's about it.

post at least one picture of yourself (or description).

Well, I'm working currently and I don't really have any good pictures of myself, so I'll go with a description.
I am Caucasian(really super white, flash on a camera completely wipes me out of the picture). I have really blue eyes. I have long, straight dark/dirty blonde hair down to midback. I wear black eyeliner and dark grey & white slightly sparkly eyeshadow. I wear "punk/goth" style clothing. Most everyone says I look like Avril Lavigne, hence the nickname. u.u' Though I did have a guy say that I'm much prettier than her, even without the make-up. *sigh* He was sweet/cute. Um...Back to the description. I am 5'4" and about average build.’
I do have some new/current pictures of myself, but I don’t really like any of them, so you’ll just have to suffer with not knowing.

‘Yay! Let the rating begin!’



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