In other news...

Jul 17, 2008 15:30

I have started back at work with a clear feeling of being unceremoniously tossed in at the deep end into a baptism of fire ("Minister, with all due respect, one cannot..."). Three days/nights in and this almost cliff-face-steep learning curve is starting to level off a little. I've received a lot of congratulations, even from people who it adversely affects (such as my old boss Bill, who is already two men down this week and so I make three...). My team is a good one, generally, although they need a bit of geeing up. The relaxed attitude is nice and all, but my time on government team has shown me how much work some people are doing in comparison to the rest of the shift and I will be gently informing them of this in the coming weeks. My predecessor, I've decided, took on way too much of the heavier jobs. I remember this being nice while I was working under him but it will change - I want to be more free to help out people wherever help is needed and to do that I need to free myself up a bit. I also feel it's my prerogative as a team leader to take on the clients I want, so a few of my old favourites will be back on my own job list soon. Personally, I'm knackered - I got back from Spain on Monday at 5:30, went to celebrate Mike's birthday with him, a curry and a pint and then went straight to work. Since then, I've not really stopped... No rest for the wicked, I guess, but, really, how wicked am I? No, don't answer that...

Anyway, I'm enjoying it immensely, which is the main thing, although I've decided to step down as SCC rep (staff rep, basically) as it's greed of me to be first aider, risk assessor, staff rep and team leader, I feel... plus, when am I going to find the bloody time? No, time for someone else to listen to the whining :P
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