Sep 16, 2012 08:28
HFQ will be at FenCon in Dallas next week. What's the schedule? Glad you asked:
Saturday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Live Oak
Artistic License to Kill
Description: Our panelists discuss creative and inventive ways to bump off characters in their stories.
C. Clamp , B. Kemper , J. Mandala , K.Hutson Price , A. Simmons , S. Wedel *
Saturday 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM Pecan
A. Simmons
Manifest and Notes:___________________________
Sunday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pin Oak
Alchemy & Algorithms
Description: More and more, authors are creating strict rules for how magic works in their stories. Are these rules turning Fantasy into Science Fiction-lite?
Authors who have created original, effective magic systems explain how their choices shaped their stories, along with what they like and dislike about other systems they've seen in books, movies and games.
A. de Orive , L. Donahue , J. Fancher , A. Simmons , J. Mandala *