Oct 25, 2001 00:18
What's going on... very appropriate, I am moving home, not really wanting to, but realizing that it is probably a good thing. At least I will be somewhere that is a base, so that I can sort out what is going on, if that is possible. Home does not feel like home, but then nowhere does, I seek something that is missing inside, yet I don't know what that is. A home is merely a place where I can feel secure and well I guess feel like being me. I have not really had a home, not one that I can call mine anyway, it is different when your growing up as you take it for granted that this place in which you live is your home, but as you grow up you feel the need for something that is souly yours.
I seem to never really say what it is I mean. I am leaving friends here, these friends I will have trouble seeing out of Coventry, a lot of these feelings for me, are based here as I have matured here. I sometimes think life twists into something you can't recognize, so that you feel all mixed up for a while, and so it can scare you for a while too. If it does this on purpose then it has a purpose and if that is to lead you to new beginnings so be it.
Today I have packed, and thought about what I am going to cook for my friends tomorrow, we are going onto a folk night afterwards, so I might share a poem (maybe). I think I might do something a bit different, but I don't know, I will have to get some good wine, but also something for the non-drinker as I don't want her to feel left out.
Oh well... What's going seems to be an unanswerable question.