Apr 10, 2006 15:44
So yesterday was a strange day, but I will start before then. I can’t remember what I did on Friday, which by all accounts is probably a bad thing. On Saturday I spent my Christmas money on dvd’s and stuff. It was quite nice not thinking about dissertation although this was mainly due to suffering from a headache, hence me going out and avoiding the use of a computer for the weekend. I bought:
Band of Bothers (not the tin)
Passport to Pimlico
Batman Begins
I am fairly happy with my purchases. I also did quite a bit of window shopping. On the way back from town I dropped in on some friends (Dave and Claire) then ended up in Varsity and meeting JP, Chris, Adam, Geoff and David.
On Sunday I went to Quaker meeting where I was questioned in a manor that made me not want to return to Manchester meeting, this is a bit harsh but it certainly made me understand why some younger people don’t go to meeting. I saw the Leaveners while I was there which was good.
I’ve just remembered what I did on Friday I saw people from the Leaveners arranged to see them on Saturday for coffee, and went round to Geoff’s house to spend the evening vegging in front of the telly with Chris who was home alone.
Back to Sunday, after meeting I went to St. Ann’s Church and Networked for a bit, they had a lunch on about sort of saying hello to other city centre churches, it was good and a beautiful church to. On my way to the bus I bumped into some monks who were asking for money for cd’s and stuff, instead I went and bought them Milk, spaghetti and oranges, not sure why but I don’t like giving money to anyone asking for donations on the street, I would must prefer to give items that help people to live, this is certainly true for the homeless who I will never give money to but will normally willingly have a conversation with and go and find a sandwich or chips or something for them.
Today, however, is filled with dissertation editing.