mini rant!

Nov 14, 2005 09:32

So it has been ages since I have updated, but my reason today is really only for a mini rant. For a number of weeks now I have been walking different routes to university, when I say different I guess I really mean that the middle section is almost always the same way but the endings and beginings differ. One of my faviort routes takes me through a new build area which has mini parks here and there. A new build area may not be seen as all that interesting to me normaly but the parks in the middle of them have beauitfully calved animals in them. Today i took one of these routes espeshally to take pictures of the hippo and rino in one of these parks, only to find on arrival that some (ecuse the fraze) little fucker has purposfully broken off all the ears of these beauitful calved animals.

What is it that make our youth so distructive?

rant, kids

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