So I have a job.

Apr 03, 2011 23:17

At a shisha bar.

Day One:

Go to the bar, and I am not even told I have the job. He just starts showing me around. Later on, my boss, K, tells me "I hired you because your English is so perfect. All my customers are English students, in Canada to study. Now they will have to talk English to you."

He shows me the basics, yadda yadda. He tells me that "if anyone bothers you, you tell my and my partner. We will beat them up and call the cops. Anytime when the subway does not run, or it is too late, we will drive you. It's too dangerous for a girl as pretty as you to be taking the cabs and subways so late."

I met a boy who I will call A, because I don't know his name. Him and his friends were obsessed with me, and were asking K every detail about me. It was kind of nice.

Day Two:

Was saturday, so, yesterday. SO BUSY. I was so scared, I had a panic attack in the kitchen. My coworker, Ali, sang all my orders to me to make me feel better, and was trying so hard to be nice.

One thing I've noticed with these Saudi and Somalian guys, I got it all wrong, before. I thought they were up tight douches (I say this because I lived in an area where there were only middle eastern people, and that is how they acted to me) but fuck. I have never felt more beautiful, or more like a lady.

Ali won't let me do any heavy things, and it is always me who walks through a door first, or gets spoken too first. Ladies first is a big rule for these guys. They are all very friendly and open, with each other. Everyone is always hugging, bumping fists. Ali is afraid to touch me, but K, my boss, has no problem. Pat on the back, squeeze my shoulder, whatever.

Okay, but now. Day Two. Okay.

K decided it would be funny to tell the Russian exchange students I was Russian.

German, I can understand. Russian? No.

And then K's asshat friend mocked me and said the tea I brought was wrong, and that only K could make it for him from now on. I almost cried, because he smirked/laughed in my face/belittled me in front of EVERYONE.

K later tasted the tea and got angry, because it was perfectly fine.

Some guy who I served a hookah too (after K told me I would not have to touch hookah or shisha) touched my hair. Not in a creepy way. He was talking to me with this starstruck look on his face, then very shyly reached out to my hair. He wasn't speaking English, but I guess he was asking for permission.

This drop dead sexy Russian man shoved his fucking gorgeous perfect hourglass, blond bombshell Russian girlfriend so he could talk to me. Like, they were playing tonsil hockey, I walked over, and he shoved her off of him.

And proceeded to ignore her when she tried to crawl into his lap.

Day Three:

Today. Was good!

I did not get a single order wrong, despite at one point making five different meals, and three teas. The only thing is, is I think my boss is hitting on me. NOT in a creepy way though. It's actually more like, in a friendly way. If that makes sense.

Ali and I chilled, and I got to meet the "manager" (he's not, they call him that as a joke)

A came back, but he had homework, and wasn't paying much attention to me today, aside from hovering around my shoulder and trying to look cool.
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