Title: “Physics” Magic.
Pairing: Spencer Reid/Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom/Emily Prentiss
Rating: T for Teen - due to language and suggestive themes.
Summary: When Dark Wizards rise again, wreaking havoc across the world, the BAU is called in to find out what exactly, is going on. Old members of Dumbledore’s Army are forced to join with the group of muggles, in order to stop the worst thing alive since the destruction of Lord Voldemort.
AN: This is an AU that I thought up while talking with my friend,
xohedleyox . In this ‘verse, the Epilogue Children don’t exist, and the Harry Potter cast is roughly the same age as Spencer, JJ, and Emily.
“We’re taking this case.” JJ said softly, dropping a folder onto Hotch’s desk. The dark haired man looked up at her, eyes unblinking.
“JJ? Don’t we usually consult with the team on the cases that we take?” He raised an eyebrow slowly. JJ wasn’t one to give orders - not to the team, anyway - instead, she was the type to ask. Especially when talking to her boss.
“We do.” The petite blond agreed, hair bobbing as she nodded.
“So what’s this all about?” Hotch stood and picked up the folder, tucking it under his arm. If it was that urgent, he’d look at it with his team, rather than wasting time there in his office. He moved to the door and held it open, staring at JJ when the woman refused to move.
“It’s bad Hotch.” She murmured, eyes focused on the ground. As if she was afraid to look up.
“They’re always bad.” Hotch replied, just as softly. He walked towards her, placing a gentle hand on the small of her back. “JJ?” He questioned, concern obvious in his voice, although it never showed in his eyes.
“Strauss picked this case.” JJ admitted, finally forcing her body into action. She walked with her boss to the door, pausing so he could close it behind them.
“What? Why?”
“We’re the best Hotch.” JJ took a deep, steadying breath. “We’re the best team in this country.”
Hotch nodded. “I know. We’ve always been the best.” It was true. They were the best, of the best. They were the elite; the Behavioural Analysis Unit of Quantico Virginia, run by SSA Hotchner. After everything they’d been through - being shot, being kidnapped, losing loved ones, being tortured - they didn’t have any choice except to be the best.
It was either being the best, or losing.
“Yeah, but we’re the best in this country.” JJ lowered her voice as they slid by Andersons desk, “But just in this country. We’re in the top ten globally, but still...” She took another deep breath and pushed her hair behind her ears. “We have to go to England. You’ve been watching the news, seeing the people die...”
“We haven’t been called in on that officially.” Hotch sounded surprised.
People - important people - were going missing. Yet the government hadn’t called for the legendary BAU to figure out how, or why. When they showed up dead, almost no one was surprised.
“It started in England, and it’s worse there. So that’s where we’re going.” JJ gave a wry smile. “Always go to the source of the problem, right?” They were standing outside the round table room now, watching their team interact inside.
Hotch didn’t realize that JJ had already called them all together. Internally, he cringed at the thought of holding them up.
“Right.” He nodded and took his place at the table, letting JJ go to the projector, so they could get this show on the road.
A loud cracking noise alerted Luna that someone had just apparated into her living room. If she were a normal witch - which of course, she wasn’t - she would have been startled. Perhaps even scared for her life.
However, as an abnormal witch, she knew it would take an equally abnormal person - man or woman - to apparate into her house. She wasn’t just a pretty face; Her house was properly charmed and cursed against any intruder she didn’t know.
This of course, told her that whoever had just apparated into her house was friend, not foe. Which friend, she wasn’t certain. She knew she’d find out sooner, rather than later - when whoever it was decided to seek her out. She was really too busy writing her article on the properties of Floo Powder to go answer the apparater.
A distinctly feminine voice rang throughout her home, calling her name. She smiled to herself, realizing who exactly the apparater was. With a final glance at her article, she rolled the scroll up and stood, gracefully. She swept her hair over her shoulder and padded quietly towards the voice. “Hermione?” She asked softly, when the woman came into view.
“Luna.” The brunette breathed, clearly relieved.
The blond tilted her head, realizing something was wrong. “What is it Hermione?” She dodged one of her many tables, gliding across the floor to her long time friend.
“Have you been getting the news recently?” Hermione asked, worry etched across her face. She fluttered to the window, pushing aside the heavy curtain in order to peer out into the darkness. With a shaky inhale, she allowed it to fall closed once more.
“I’ve been getting it, but not reading it.” Luna said softly, a ghost of a smile slipping onto her face. “Why? What’s going on?”
“Oh Luna.” Hermione bit her lower lip, eyes closing for a brief moment. “It’s...bad.”
“How bad?” Luna lightly grabbed Hermione’s arm, pulling the other woman over to a couch. They sat together, and, with a flick of Luna’s wand, the kettle in the kitchen began the process of making tea.
“Very bad. When it first started, Harry...Harry almost lost it. He thought for a moment Voldemort was back.”
Worry finally began to trickle into Luna’s mind. She swallowed thickly, and picked a cup of tea out of the air. “It’s that bad?” She looked once more at her friend. “Do we know who it is?”
“Obviously, it can’t be Voldemort. And all of his followers are in Azkaban. Any of the dark spells that are being used should have shown up on the Ministry’s radar. Whoever’s doing this is smart.” A hint of disgust was in Hermione’s voice now. “Very, very, smart.”
“What can I do?” Luna asked, leaning forwards. She wasn’t a fighter anymore, but she had been once, and it was an easy frame of mind to settle back into. Trying to live a normal life had been the hard part.
“We’re gathering everyone who will come. Obviously...not all of us can. Harry’s gotten permission from Percy,” Percy, who was now the head of the Ministry, surpassing his father in so many ways, “to take time off of work and join us. I’m going obviously, and so is Ronald.” Hermione’s eyes rolled fondly as the thought of her husband, “Neville’s joining us as well. He’s going to Floo over to my house tonight.”
The fear faded from Luna then, quickly replaced with surprise. “Neville? Really?” She hadn’t seen him since they had broken up, almost five years prior.
“He wants to help.” Hermione nodded, sharp eye catching onto what exactly Luna was feeling. “He’ll be there tonight. Not a lot of us can come though...families, jobs...” She bit her lower lip.
“We were a group of children who defeated the dark Lord, when no one, not even the Ministry could.” Luna said softly, eyes shockingly hard and determined. “We’re not children anymore, and we’re all a lot stronger. We can take care of this.”
“Percy’s counting on it. All of our wands have been removed from the watch list, we’re free to do as we please. He wants us to try and stay under the radar. If anyone outside of Dumbledore’s Army or the Order gets wind of this, we’ll have mass panic.” And there she was again, the calm, level-headed Hermione that had gotten them out of trouble so many times before.
“Let me go pack a bag, and we’ll apparate to your house.” Luna stood and turned stiffly towards the hallway. She paused in the doorway, but didn’t turn back. “Hermione. What aren’t you telling me?”
The brunette smirked a little to herself. As air-headed as people thought Luna Lovegood was, she was anything but stupid. “Percy had to tell the Prime Minister. The muggle one, that is. Some of the killings have been non-magical, and he thought it would be the best to call in a non-magical team.”
“They’re called the BAU - Behavioural Analysis Unit. We have to work with them, make sure they don’t accidentally expose the wizarding world.”
“Who do they think we are?”
“They’ve been told they’re working with the British DA. Or rather, the British District Attorney.”
“But DA stands for...” Luna trailed off, eyebrows raised almost to her hairline.
“Dumbledore’s Army. We know that, but they don’t.”
Luna allowed herself to laugh as she shook her head, finally going to her bedroom.
It was going to be a long, long journey.
They filed onto the plane, one by one. None of them were exactly happy, but it was their job, and they were good at it. Once settled into their regular seats, JJ flipped open her file.
“They don’t know whose doing this, but it seems to be worse in England. We have to assume for now, that the leader of this massacre is operating from there, and the people here are just following in his footsteps.”
Reid nodded and began speaking when she finished. “We’re most likely looking at multiple Unsubs.”
“Some of the killings, they haven’t been able to find how exactly the people were killed. I’m guessing that the Unsubs are using some kind of drug that doesn’t show up in a tox screen.” Morgan continued.
“Yeah, but the ones with the physical evidence? That’s major overkill.” Prentiss sighed.
“It is. So we have to assume its two levels of Unsubs.” Hotch nodded.
“I agree. We can’t rule out terrorists though.” Rossi looked around at the small group they had. “All of these people getting hurt, are big, important people. That’s gotta mean something.”
“Um...guys.” Penelope took a quick breath. “I know I’m not like...a profiler or anything but...how can you even be sure it’s one bad guy? I mean...from drugs, to violent...bloody...grossness. How can we be sure we’re not dealing with two...two Unsubs?” The word felt, and sounded foreign coming from Penelope’s mouth, but the information was startling.
The team looked around at each other, falling silent. If Penelope was right, then they were in for a lot of trouble.
Two groups killing across the world was definitely a lot worse than one.
Hey everyone. This is my first Criminal Minds fanfic, and actually, my first "long" Harry Potter fanfic. I'd be ever so grateful if people could drop me a line, telling me what they think about this so far! If it's liked, I'll continue posting here :)