So Let's Talk About Stalking

Dec 09, 2012 21:25

I would like to get a conversation going about what we in the SCA can and should do about stalkers and abusers who come to events and harrass or intimidate others, whether premeditated (made a deliberate plan to show up and intimidate a given person) or spur of the moment (saw a given person at an event and decided on the spot to intimidate them). Both in terms of what Society and Kingdom laws say, what people can or should do in their official capacity as autocrats or officers or whatever, and what people can or should do in their role as fellow human beings.

I realize that there are limits to what can be done without opening up the SCA to lawsuits especially in cases where there isn't something legal on file, like a restraining order.

I've started this conversation before with a tiny handful of trusted peers, landed barons, and local seneschals, but I want to widen this up. Ideally I'd like to get everyone talking about it or at least acknowledging "hey, this happens, and it's not OK."

If we can talk about stalking, abusive behavior, intimidation of women, and such in fandom and other communities, it's well past time to talk about when it happens in the SCA.
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