Jun 28, 2006 21:32
i say this because i was just watching the memorial service for Laura VanRyn mistakenly identified as Whitney Ceriak and how devistating something can be.
it just made me take it to heart because Laura and her boyfriend had been together for three years && they had their future planned but in the blink of an eye, in a split second---their dreams were shattered when she was taken away from everyone. Aaron(Laura`s boyfriend) doesn`t know how you could love someone so much, feel her hands, see her toes && be with her for months and NOT know it wasn`t her.
the college they attended was a catholic church, so of course, the service && memorial was very "churchy" if you know what i mean.
but, i think it was good for someone like myself to hear. i hold grudges && i suppose you can say i hold them well. i seriously want to beat the living crap out of a certain girl--but is that really what God wants me to do? there is such better things for me to do other than to smash her face in..&& to sit there && not give anyone i haven`t gotten along with in the past just a single chance.
unless you really do dig deep down inside, you usually don`t find yourself writing dang livejournal posts about this..haha
another reason why i am posting this isn`t just because of the accident in which the girl`s were mistaken in; but my friend was diagnosed with cancer. although all is going well && they are 99.9% sure it is curable--she could have been taken away from everyone in the blink of an eye without having time to say goodbye.
i just wish everyone could tell everyone they loved them-even if they hated them && ii wish we could spend more time with everyone that we love && tell them more often because you never know when something So Good Is Going To Be Taken Away So Quickly.
&& saying all this ii feel terriable about how i treat people.
my grandma kane is a great example--she lives with me so believe me, just trust me on this one; i seriously feel like i could strangle her but all && all i wouldn`t be the person i am today without her. my parents were both young when they had me so my grandma was like my mom for my whole life && up until this day still somewhat is. yeah, it drives me crazy; but i bet once it`s gone..i`m going to miss it more than anything in this world.
&& ryan-ugh, sometimes i really do HATE HIM, haha--well, we just don`t get along...but he`s another person who has changed my life completley. he has shown me what love really is && he has taught me to be such a better person.
sorry i got somewhat crazy on ya there..but everyone has their days when they just need to "vent".