the ex

May 18, 2005 00:35

Ok so I think I'm having a carrie moment:

I tried to call LeAn about the whole Tom pregnancy thing and when I said it, all she could say was, "yeah" which led me to wonder: "When you leave your ex behind, how much of yourslef is left with it?" I mean, I don't WANT to be friend with someone who laughs when my ex talks about beating me. I don't WANT a friend who calls me to tell me things my ex says that makes me want to die, but won't call me with things that make me want to laugh. I'm over it. I think to really rid myself of Tom, I have to rid myself of LeAn. So, I don't think I'm ever calling her again. I love Lydia, and they aren't friends. They are opposites, and I love lyd. I think the only reason chose LeAn is that LeAn would give in to him. We used to exclude LeAn. And now I see why...she always wanted us to feel bad. Would you really call your friend and tell them something that would make them feel sooooooooooo shitty, then "have to go" right after you finished your sentance?? I didn't think so. I don't want to know someone who would, so I am performing an exorsim of LeAn and wanted you to know. I want new friends who make me feel good and old friends who care enough to keep in their life (you are excluded hay-you're not old or new, your like a vintage pair of Jimmy WILL NEVER go out of style, and you will ALWAYS be there when I need you). I love you and I love who I am now....screw asshole bitches who DON't UNDERSTAND, right????? I love you because you will understand the million things in-between that no one else would ever get!!!!!! I love you!!!
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