101 things in 1001 days.

Aug 05, 2008 19:57

airgonaut is downright inspirational sometimes. (Well, honestly, a lot of the time, because when I think of all the posts on my friends list that make me think, "gee, that's awesome and it makes me want to better myself, too," she's behind a significant number of them.) And after she posted her list for mission101, I decided it would be to my own benefit to stop saying I should do things and start doing them.

This is a list of 101 things I hope to accomplish over the next 1001 days. Some of them are healthy habits, some are just things I've been meaning to do and failing at actually doing. Some of them are meaningful and some are trivial geeky bullshit that may not mean much to the world, but might make me feel better.

start date: August 6, 2008
end date: May 4, 2011

01. Learn to drive, finally.
02. Learn to ride a bike, finally.
03. Apply to graduate school.
04. If not accepted at graduate school, find and commit myself to a program that will get me my teaching license.
05. Move out of Oklahoma.
06. Go to New Mexico, whether on vacation or otherwise, and enjoy sopapillas.
07. ...and a burger at Blake's!
08. ...but also learn to make my own sopapillas!
09. Drink at least half a liter of water every day, without fail. (A full liter would be better, but let's take this one step at a time.)
10. Eat at least one vegetable a day, even if this means those nights I get lazy and eat Wheaties turn into eating Wheaties accompanied by a side of spinach. :|
11. Finish ten of the unfinished video games on my shelf of doom.
12. Work out an exercise regiment I can stick to.
13. Save at fifteen percent of every paycheck.
14. Learn to use that goddamned DivaCup so I can save a fortune in tampon money.
15. Clean my desk at least once a month. (last done: 24 August)
16. Visit my brother, or visit my parents at a point when he'll actually be home too.
17. Properly register so I can stop voting by absentee ballot.
18. Learn to cook a good Thanksgiving turkey.
19. Cut soda out of my daily diet (for real this time).
20. Visit the library at least once a month.
21. Translate and scanlate at least one of my doujinshi from start to finish.
22. Review and rememorize all the kanji that have flown out of my head over the years.
23. Reread Hagakure, Book of Five Rings, and The Art of War.
24. Write at least a thousand words of something every week. Fanfic, original work, whatever. Just, anything that actually gets me writing.
25. Properly organize my recipe collection.
26. Stop eating within four hours of bedtime.
27. Set up a table in my room and have a jigsaw puzzle in progress at all times.
28. Bring baked goods to my co-workers for no special occasion.
29. Dress up for Halloween -- really dress up, not just throw together three things in my closet and call it a night.
30. Clip coupons every week and plan my grocery shopping accordingly.
31. Grow my own basil and make homemade pesto.
32. Donate 50,000 grains of rice via freerice.com.
33. Go on a picnic.
34. Get good enough at Dance Dance Revolution to beat Breakdown on heavy.
35. Donate to Planned Parenthood at least once a year.
36. See a good musical on stage.
37. Finish watching every season of Homicide.
38. Replace all my socks that have holes in them with new, equally cute pairs.
39. Build a gingerbread house from scratch.
40. Overhaul my LJ tags.
41. Get some skirts/dresses in my closet that I might actually wear.
42. Attempt and finish Nanowrimo.
43. Listen to twenty-five bands I've never listened to before (at least one full album each).
44. Read the Bible, start to finish, so it can never be said that I didn't give it an honest shot.
45. Grow some kind of vegetable myself and make a tasty dinner out of it.
46. Build a snowman.
47. Reread the Analects of Confucius.
48. Reread Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
49. Reread Outlaws of the Marsh.
50. Read Journey to the West.
51. Go to the Mont for drinks, because I'm amazed that I have lived across the street from this bar for two years and never actually been drinking there.
52. Girls' night out at the gay bar.
53. Actually send out Christmas cards, instead of succumbing to the crushing stress of the holiday season and not getting them done.
54. Formally go off the pill and use a lunar calendar to start tracking my cycle; see if I can develop healthy habits and minimize stress to keep it regular.
55. Start taking a daily multi-vitamin.
56. Make colorful pinwheels and stick them in random flowerbeds around campus.
57. Fly kites at night with glowsticks.
58. Go to Zio's for Thai chicken pizza and raspberry bellinis.
59. Try at least five things off the menu at the Lucky Star before I commit myself to a usual order.
60. Subscribe to The Economist and read every issue.
61. Change bedsheets a minimum of every three weeks.
62. Get a good roasting pan and start making my own granola.
63. Retrieve my flute from my parents' house and get used to playing open-hole.
64. Look into getting a keyboard. Take up piano again.
65. Finally watch something by Joss Whedon and see what the big fuss is.
66. Find, purchase, and play a copy of the original Grandia.
67. Marathon the original Star Wars trilogy at least once each year.
68. Play the Lunar games again at least once each year, for my own mental health. (I can honestly think of very little that makes me feel as irrationally positive as these games.)
69. Eat at least one serving of fruit every day. Juice only counts if it's 100% fruit juice with no added sweeteners.
70. Sort through the boxes of stuff in my room and get rid of all the stuff I don't want or need.
71. Organize all the crap on my hard drive and delete the stuff that doesn't matter.
72. Sew a plushie.
73. Snuggle the cats every day.
74. Find some kind of tea that agrees with me. I am positive that one must exist!
75. Make a proper first aid kit for the house and keep it in an easy-to-find location.
76. Go through my iTunes, fix all missing tags, and delete the stuff that I don't really need in there.
77. Make a good set of playlists for my iPod.
78. Find a grocery store that carries or can get me gyoza skins and make gyoza.
79. Play the lottery whenever I get numbers in my fortune cookie.
80. Take up yoga.
81. Find the closest farmer's market and shop there when I can.
82. Bake challah from scratch and use it to make French toast.
83. Lure covert out to my house of sweets again for more wacky antics.
84. Meet someone else face to face who I've only had the pleasure of knowing via the intertubes.
85. Get a pet fish. Love it and pet it and call it George.
86. Plant a tree. (I don't care how corny or cliché somebody is about to tell me this one is, so put a sock in it. :(((( )
87. Find a new bedspread that I like as much as the current one, but that brings a little more life to the room.
88. Find out how often pillows are recommended to be replaced (due to dust mites and whatnot) and start replacing mine on schedule!
89. Send my mom flowers for her birthday.
90. Clean my keyboard every few months. (last done: 24 August)
91. Customize a My Little Pony into something hilariously nerdy. Because I can.
92. Work out a good organizational system for the spice cabinet.
93. Acquire all ingredients for Patrick's drink, make it, and see if it really does knock you down but not out as advertised.
94. Call home every now and then when nothing particular is happening and Mom isn't expecting me to call, just to surprise her.
95. Make homemade pretzels.
96. Learn how to choose good fish at the store. Find someplace that actually, occasionally, has good fish.
97. See a live performance of Handel's Messiah. Marvel at the stamina of the oboist, because god knows just the Hallelujah chorus was enough to do me in.
98. Learn to swing dance.
99. Get at least one item for the food bank every time I grocery shop. (Pre-requisite: find out where the food bank is...)
100. Donate $2 to charity for every completed item on this list.
101. Make a list for the next 1001 days. :3

101 things in 1001 days

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