s-so i was inspired.

Jun 11, 2008 17:33

It started when I was on the way to work, and it occurred to me that if you look at my RP habits lately, there are a lot of...trends in pairs. Two ambiguously gay schoolboy baseball players. Two redheads with cross-shaped scars on their faces. Two pretty boy smart guys from Togashi manga.

And now, two emotionally screwed up teenagers named Nagi.

-- and then my brain turned it into weird Reborn/Weiss Kreuz crossover AU.

The problem with clairvoyance was that you couldn't control when you saw things.

Crawford wasn't tormenting himself over it. It wasn't his style, and there were times when the cards simply weren't in your hand, after all. He was, however, thoroughly irritated, and while he was doing his best not to take it out on the hospital staff, he couldn't deny a certain temptation to see if they would still be so tight with information after being locked in a room with Farfarello for an hour.

The results did come, eventually. The doctor's expression was professionally blank as he said that Nagi's chances did not look good without a proper donor match, and would any of them happen to be blood relatives?

Of course they weren't. A pity, that; even with the urgency of his case, which would help move him up in priority, the waiting list for organ transplants was still --

"Keep life support on. We can afford it." Crawford turned on his heel and left the room, leaving the doctor staring after him.

Schuldig was waiting in the hall. "So what now?"

"We'll find something. He's too valuable to lose."

Schuldig's next question filled his mind, not his ears. Valuable to Eszett, or valuable to you?

Crawford's only response to that was a tight little smile. It wasn't like Schuldig really needed to ask these things.


Nagi had heard it, of course.

Prognosis not good. Well, to hell with that. Crawford would find a way around it even if he had to fucking rip the kidneys out of the next guy he found on the street, because Schwarz wasn't going to lose anybody over something as stupid as a car wreck. He'd just sit here in his happy little dream world until then and wait. Things were going to be fine.


"Death is only the beginning of another cycle."

"Who are you?" he snapped. It didn't sound like Schuldig.

And then he saw him, a tall boy who looked about his own age yet somehow seemed far older (well, good for him, Nagi thought sourly). Dark hair. One red eye, one blue eye. A smile that hovered somewhere between pleasant and predatory.

All of which was fascinating to be sure, but he still wasn't invited, dammit.


When the (somewhat strained) introductions passed and they moved from small talk to the real question at hand, it took surprisingly little time to come to an agreement.

Nagi wasn't entirely certain he liked it, but it was an out to a situation that would take far too much time to resolve by other means.

"Not quite what I would've hoped for, aesthetically." Rokudou eyed him, then extended his right hand. "But I think this arrangement will be mutually beneficial in the end."

Nagi shook his hand, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I hope you weren't expecting me to get a haircut."


weiss kreuz, fic, katekyo hitman reborn!

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