It's ground beef. From a specific part of the cow. XD
It'll usually be the stuff marked as 80/20 lean-to-fat, I think! I imagine other ground beef wouldn't be half bad, but I think chuck usually works best for this kind of thing, if you're not worried about the fat content.
(haha oh god my smoke alarm. I wish I could just close the door to the hall it's in, but the door is right by the corner the cat box is tucked into, so it doesn't close. D8 )
(can't move the cat box? D: I suppose if your kitchen has a window, you could open it a little.... Or drape a damp towel over the door to the hall? Shoot the damn thing down.)
... What is ground chuck? XD
It'll usually be the stuff marked as 80/20 lean-to-fat, I think! I imagine other ground beef wouldn't be half bad, but I think chuck usually works best for this kind of thing, if you're not worried about the fat content.
(but if you don't, don't crush my ego plz ;.; )
(If I do not, I will possess your smoke alarm.)
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