Dec 29, 2007 12:55
Why do I feel as though I am an unwilling participant in a massive research project on the adverse effects of substance abuse? People in my life read like a bad memoir, where the writer boo-hoo's about how hard they've got it, being sober and all. Dad sold drugs, step-dad is an alcoholic and I watched booze-injected fraternity-style bullshit occur on a daily basis during my formative years. Pothead ex-boyfriends, house raids, friends who can't get sober. And now I've moved across the world and still it's at least once a month that I'm dragging someone to get into a taxi so they don't get hit by a car since they've been weaving in and out of the road. And I have a friend who's married but their husband can be a jerk and she goes to the bar to forget about him for a bit. And then there are people who see nothing wrong with doing asinine shit that adults just should have grown out of. I am ALWAYS the one who holds the bin during a munt, checks peoples' eyes to see just how far they're rolling back in their head, stops people from walking out of a pub and down the street with a pot of beer in their hand, is the first to notice when the youngest or least capable drinker goes missing, needs a ride, is out of their mind.
It's NOT FUCKING FUNNY. I've had a gutful.
Being sober in a room full of alcohol poisoned individuals is like being the cheap heroine in a shit movie full of zombies. They drool, they don't make sense, they smell, and they do weird shit. And you do everything in your power not to become one of them.
Also, they're not capable of looking after themselves. And if you don't do it, they'll get hurt. It's how people die, you know.
You think the next person you befriend won't be like that. But if you wait long enough, years if need be, it'll creep out.
So do you stay and fight a losing battle, or do you just live life alone on the weekends/nights/most of the time?
I've had quite enough, thanks.