
Mar 15, 2010 18:27

Okay, just a driveby update...

My stepfather is in the hospital AGAIN. He was just in last week for pneumonia, then released. (He has a pacemaker so they have to be very vigilant with his health.)

This morning we got this email from my Mom:

Hi everyone,

Just want to update you on the latest with Bob. He is on his way up to the hospital again today in an ambulance - this time he is showing signs of having had a mini-stroke. He was having trouble finding words last night which we attributed to fatigue. But, this morning, after a good night’s rest, he was still having problems finding words and unable to write, and so I decided to call 911 and get him up to the hospital fast. I’ll follow him up later. I will let you know when I find out more, but if it’s anything like our last stint in the ER, it will be many hours before I know anything.

The EMT guys are wonderful and he is getting good care now.


Thanks and much love,


Frak. We just got an update on his health.

Dear family,

I’m just home from the hospital and here’s what’s happening. The positive is that Bob comprehends everything and can speak but gets stuck trying to get some words and sentences out. His eyes sparkle and he’s being incredibly patient. When I left at 4 PM, he was still in the ER where he has been since 7 AM this morning. A team of neurologists finally came to check him out at 3 and decided he needs to be an inpatient for a couple of days. But, it may be hours before he actually gets into a room.

They want to do an ultrasound of his carotid artery and see if there is any blockage there. The CT scan looked normal today, but they want to do another one tomorrow. He can’t have an MRI because he has a pacemaker.

As for me, I felt the wonderful strength of your prayers and love - and so does Bob. I am doing fine so far, and have hope that he will regain his witty way with words. In the meantime, he has his sense of humor, but is flat out exhausted. I’ve never seen him so weak.

That’s all for now…



Any thoughts, prayers or good wishes you can send their way are greatly appreciated.

update, bob

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