Feb 10, 2012 14:19
Of course this is just speculation, but I had been hoping that Bobby's ghost had been hanging around watching over the boys.
When something disposed of Dean's beer (7.11), I thought it was a nice wink to Bobby. Honestly, how many times had he given them a beer while they worked? Also, at that point, show wasn't too clear as to what happened to dear Uncle Bobby.
Then in 7.13, when the boys need a particular piece of useful information, that paper -- from Bobby's files, just happens to flutter to the top of Dean's collection of papers.
Dean suggests Bobby's ghost, Sam says "no because that's what we want it to be." (Kinda felt like show talking to me there.)
Still, something happened to the beer and no breeze could make the correct paper land that nicely.
I think that 'something' is our dearly departed Castiel. He watched over the boys without their knowledge in 'the missing year' between seasons five and six. In season six 6.20 (man who would be king) he intercedes on the boys behalf stopping some demons from killing them.
This leads me to think that perhaps, when Cas stepped into the reservoir, the Leviathans 'oozed' out of him into the water supply, leaving a badly damaged, perhaps useless, vessel behind. However, Castiel the angel is still hovering about. He tries to do his bit to curb Dean's drinking and he makes sure they find the information they need. I could list more occurrences of 'luck' this season even though dear Bobby was taken from them.
Cas was weakened by the Leviathan possession and God's none too pleased with him so there will be no magical zapping back into Jimmy Novak. Instead, Cas has to earn it. And when he does, he's going to want his trenchcoat back.
So those are may thoughts as of now. What do y'all think?