SPN 7.2 reaction and theories aka Fandoms are killing me

Oct 01, 2011 12:13

Supernatural is breaking my heart. Okay, I'm well aware that's part of the draw to the show. When I signed on to be a fan, I thought the show was just going to be good looking guys fighting monsters while listening to classsic rock blaring from the radio of their classic car. I never expected being drawn into these sad characters so much.

Is there anyone left alive? I know Dean's got a broken leg, and the Impala made it back to Singer's -- but it was left there.
Sam's cracked in the coconut with a crowbar and Bobby's MIA with a destroyed house. And Cas, well, he left a trenchcoat. My theory is that the boss leviathan that the others were speaking of is using Cas as it's vessel. My hope is that at the season's end a very grateful Cas takes the trenchcoat out of Dean's hand with an appreciatve smile.

The show stripped the Winchesters of every support. Cas is gone, Bobby-the man- who knows, but Bobby's house was like the library of Alexandria -- so much knowledge and resources. His home was a base for other hunters in addition to being a safe house loaded with weapons. Without that home base, where can they turn for answers?

On the brightside, Supernatural has given us some great foreshadowing. Other than Dean mentioning that he could rebuild cars for a living, and Sam's hand's injury being used to help fight hallucinations, there was Sam mentioning Angel weapons that Baltazar stole and stashed.  Last season in You can't handle the truth, the music store owner inquires about his stolen horn : Gabriel's horn.

Anyone else want to jump on my crazy train of hope that Gabriel and his horn are what is needed to bring down the Leviathans?

On the other hand, tonight's Doctor Who will make it better. Oh yeah, it's April 22, 2011 on tonight's episode, never mind.

supernatural, theories and speculation, doctor who, fandom is killing me

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