Title: Poetic Provocation 3/3
Author: Hezikiah
Disclaimer: I don't own this stuff. Big Brother Beebs does and I sneak into his closet and play with his old toys when he's not looking.
Rating: M
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Donna
Warnings: Le smut du jour. Don't read if sex offends you. Or erotic poetry.
Summary: Donna catches the Doctor reading a book
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The reflection bit was one of my favorites. It wrote itself. I hadn't planned on that at all, just flowed out while I was writing the story.
DT's eyes when he's staring at you like THAT...they slay me and unnerve me and make me want to run for the bedroom or run for the hills at the same time. Those bedroom eyes of his can make any girl's panties drop on their own without even trying. Now there's a crack!fic for you.
He did have a whole slew of children. His wife was either pregnant or nursing during much of their marriage.... they did lose a couple, including the last one, whereupon his wife died several days later.
Still, as they say, I guess he practiced what he preached.
I learned all about Mr. Donne's erotic side when I was in college and it was like seeing a totally different side of the poet.
While I'm not one to speculate on the sex lives of long dead poets (except for Byron...hell, it's hard not to!), I'd have to guess Mr. Donne wasn't lacking in skills in the bedroom department, considering his large family. Mrs. Donne certainly wasn't complaining if she kept on coming back for more, despite the numerous babies.
For sure about Byron (with his reputation), and Donne certainly knew the mechanics of it, as did his wife! Well, and pregnant women do sometimes have a heightened desire for such activities anyway, once they get over the morning sickness.
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