So, like your average 4 year old, my kid is obsessed with Disney princesses. I don't really approve of the whole "princess" culture crap and we don't buy her ANY of that stuff. We own only a few of the movies and I'm kind of picky about which ones she sees. She loves Tangled, which I approve of simply because no one has to rescue Rapunzel and the broad takes out her foes with a frying pan. My kind of girl. We've also seen Brave and now my child wants to freaking be Merida and has been begging for me to teach her archery. I used to be an archery counselor, so we'll see what happens.
We've chatted about the differences between Merida and Rapunzel vs. Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Nora declares, "I don't need a man to rescue me! I'll rescue myself." Good lass. I also counter princess culture with hilarious stories like
The Paper Bag Princess. If you haven't read that story, you really need to. It's AWESOME.
The walls in Nora's room have gotten kind of boring. I asked what she wanted to put on the walls and she said, "Princesses and stuff." I took liberties with the "and stuff." There was an old bulletin board in the garage that I discovered this morning. Thirty minutes with the printer and some cardstock and this is what was born:
Princesses. Doctor Who. Kickass quote. Boom. Nora came home from dance class and shrieked, "I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!"
Her room is sort-of decorated in castles and dragons and fairies and such, ever since it was her nursery. I started this castle sampler when she was a toddler and I've yet to finish it, but here's what I'm working on:
Aaaaand, in other news, I've been offered a freelance paid editing position for some horror and sci-fi novellas. Wait, what?! Lols, I said, "Um...guys...I'm not really an editor...I mean, unless you count my students' papers and the occasional journal article that a friend of mind is submitting for peer review. Oh, and there's that beta-reading I do over on Live Journal from time to time, but that's just're counting that as experience...and you like the stories I've written...well, ok then! Allons-y!"
Also, I think I might have just managed to cut over $2500 from the show. I feel kind of like Super Producer now. Is that a real superhero?