Title: Witnessing the Protector 7/7
Author: Hezikiah
Disclaimer: Not mine, it's theirs. *points in the direction of the UK*
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Donna, Shaun, Ten, OC Dr. Ella Porter, Twelfth Doctor, Clara
Warnings: No warnings. Well, this story has to do with Ten being a creepy stalker, but it all turns out ok. Not as dark as it seems.
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Even though: poor Doctor :( He really wanted to give Donna this other life, too... *sniffs* No, let's not open this wound again. I just like to think of this ending as happy <3
Great job! Can't wait how you'll continue your other story.
Working on the other story now. I have a couple of ways I could take it, but it's choosing one!
Yay, sounds great. Having to chose between multiple ways that work is probably better than being stuck with nothing at all. It can be hard, too though... Anyway, go you! I'm sure you'll chose the right one!
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