Apr 24, 2009 20:18
Awesome day off today! Andrew and I stopped into Sbux so I could get my check and drop off the provisions of white mocha and such. lol We got drinks too. Then after a few quick errands I felt spontanious and drove us to the mall without telling him where we were going (He was reading a book in the car).
There was a new store in the Rockingham Mall called, "Teavana". Small but cute. Resembled Sbux actually. I ended up leaving with 4oz of tea that I did not need but certainly wanted after smelling them. My account is $22 smaller. lol The tea's I got were "samurai chai maté" (for Andrew) and a green tea called, "Gyokuro Imperial" which apparently is matcha before it's ground down. I'm bringing it into work tomorrow night so we can sample it...on second thought, maybe not till monday. It's suppose to be friggin' hot on sat and sunday. But still. We already had both. They are very good.
Then we went to Border's where I got a new manga and pocky. ^_^<(Yay!)
The last trip of the day was to the China Buffet on 28 in Salem, NH. It was nice spending the day out with Andrew. But now I have to get ready for sleep. It's going to be a looooooooooong weekend.