so last night was prolly the most interesting night. ever.
i thought i had to babysit but the kid got sick. woo hoo!
so i call up junz and he sayz movie. i say okay.
we go and see cry wolf. i had never heard of it. i loved it. i dont care if u didnt.
after we get some chinese that was freaking cheap. it was fantastic.
bryan and ernie have encounter in the ladiez rest room at corner bakery.
the boy'z bathroom was locked.
a lady yelled at them. we thought nothign of it.
they meet us at chinese place along with some other kiddoz.
nathaniel showz up. he was not in the right state of mind yet still very hilarious.
i love and miss that guy.
we left him and casually strolled past corner bakery again.
manager comez out and sayz they called the copz!
so copz come. tell them they might be arrested.
but since thats stupid and mr. blake happened to be there.
they got off the hookz.
i left and went to friend calebz house for like 2 secondz and watched mamaz and the papaz on tape.
loved it.
today i had a game.
we won. we shouldnt have. we played terribly.
oh well i suppose they played worse.
i was bored today when i shoudlve been cleaning.
i took picturez. i realize they arent as good as most people's
but it is quite addicting. and for lack of any other picturez. i shall post them.
amy jess and jackie convinced me to buy glasses when we went to the beach last week. they only cost me $15 so i was pretty pleased. except its weird getting used to wearing glasses when i never usually do.
this old projector thing. we actually watch tapez from my gpa on it. pretty cool eh?
i love this piano. a ton.
just come cutez bookz.
i went to my first session of gum therapy. tee-heez. it was lameXcore.
word to the wise. floss your teeth. ;]