heyy. so i have not seen like anyone this summer. i am bummed i didnt get to hang out with everyone from school but i suppose that is what school is for. ive been on vacationz for the past 5 weekz or so. well, when i say vacationz, i mean out of the state, not relaxing and what not. i got my wisdom teeth out two dayz ago. jessica, nathaniel and kristi have been nice enough to visit me and for that i thank them. today i was freaking bored so i decided now is thetime to put up picturez. i gave up uploading camp picturez. that will come later. for now look at amy's livejournal cuz she's got all the good onez anywayz.
letterbox_love plus, i didnt want to put too many picturez cuz that would be boring! i apologize if it still is
they had tornado shelter signz. i thought that ruled
jessica and the sister
cute view.
it was beautiful there.
we met up with jewely. she gets prettier everytime we see her
no ladiez and gentlemen that is not a real ice cream cone. it is a paper advertising device.
i apologize it;s dark but these are the shoez that EVERYONE there had. seriously, 4 out of every 5 people had a pair of these. they were called CROCKS. i dont know how to spell it.
jessica's old town. niwatt. idk how to spell that either.
awww her old house
the bed we slept in. it was a 4 person bunk bed!
we played horse shoes
her sister stephanie, and boyfriend dave
they had a swing
we left their cabin and went to meet her family. (it was a family reunion) this was on Dax's boat.
i loved it there
we went tubing
yours truly
sorry lots of scenery picturez
we hold handz a lot :-/
cute sisterz
it was a natural hot tub!
dead animal of some sort
plane ride home
so after we got back at about 9 at night, we left at 6 the next morning to go to oregon with our church group. there were 47 other high schoolerz that i went with and we drove in an non airconditioned scohol bus for 20 hourz there and back. hahaha it wasnt THAT bad. but it was an intense trip. we put on a vacation bible school for kidz kindergarten through 8th grade. i learned i actually do like kidz.
i hope u enjoy
emily, on the way there
morgan. we played a game where u gottra try to bite the fan thingz while it was on.
we decorated them. it was THAT boring. and those are their retainerz. haha
jackie blied! new best friend!
emily, myself, paul
more kidz, im in there somewhere
big group of kidz. try to find me =]
one of the kidz that rode the bus to vacation bible school everyday. i volunteered to ride it almost every morning so i could play imaginary kung foo with one of the kidz named brady =]
me and carriieeeee
me and carrie x 2
josh was jumping over brian
we had to do KP sometimez. paul and morgan decided to look cute.
janelle, me, rachel
me and carrie. carrie in her outfit
cina in her room. each grade group decorated a room.
when the flash isnt on this room is all blue. its cool
franiqua and xiomarra
this is the room i slept in. i snacked on those candiez in that treasure box a lot :-/
jess jess and christina
they instisted on popping scott's zitz on his back. it was gross
we thought this sign was hilarious
another holding handz picture, i apologize
on the way to rafting
okay we went swinging off this rope swing that was really high and what not, and christina got it wrapped around her arm when she fell off, so her arm got freaking bruised and this is right after it happened, it got worse throughout the week.
bus rideee
rafting attire
i was crouching down so no one would pull me off
haha this lookz weird but that's how we had to get into the raft
we tried to hijack their boat
that is myself
we did class 4 rapidz. it ruled
2 of the girlz that was in our VBS. we went bowling.
jackie and i slept on the floor of the bus for a long time on the second day on the way back. it was really scrunched but our bodiez just got numb to it and got comfy after awhile.
jon and paullll
driving back day # 1
wal mart stop. there was a mcdonaldz in it so we had like 12 double cheeseburgerz. that is adam.
i look so weird in this
we went to a fair
me and brian s. we went to hometown buffet the last night we were there.
the jessica's sleeping.
my "family group"
man. the end. that took awhile. i will put up camp picturez laterrrrrr.