Stop: meme time

Feb 03, 2011 23:09

Comment with the word "JACKPOT" and I'll give you five questions about your interests!

1) What is your favourite subject at school?

DRAWING AND PAINTING <3333 But as for actual academic classes, I'd have to go with either English or History! I love reading books and I love reading books about the past, so haha both are my better subjects.

2) What is the best thing about having a job SELLING ICE-CREAM?

Short answer: TIPS!!! And getting to eat new flavors of ice cream like every two days.

Long answer: The food service is tough to be in! Customer satisfaction either makes or breaks you. Weather and events have a significant effect on your business. I literally spend like two hours every closing night cleaning up sticky goo. But I work with terribly fabulous people who are funny and kind and don't judge me when I eat waffle cones right off the iron. We have pizza parties and decorate pint cups with Sharpies and fix each others' cake icing fiascoes. My bosses are cheerful and understanding and I like making them proud. It is pretty much the best work atmosphere I could've asked for and I'm so, so glad that this is my first job experience. And again, ice cream. People ask me if I get tired of it and the answer is NEVER.

Derpy answer: You would not believe the stories of ADORABLE CHILDREN and REALLY GENEROUS PEOPLE I can tell along with stories of REALLY DISGUSTING FLAVOR COMBINATIONS and REALLY AGGRAVATING ORDERS. Also, one time a lady came with a kitten under her jacket. It was really weird but cute at the same time.

3) If you could have have ANY FIC you wanted, and have it BE GOOD, which fic would that be?

I love AU's. I love them to pieces and I love them even more when they are excellently written. I'm not sure which fandom I'd ask for, but if I could have a multi-chaptered, and more importantly, FINISHED, AU in an interesting and well-thought-out setting, I would offer my first-born as a gift to the author.

My second request and less urgent is character-centric Umineko fic. You would not believe the amount of fic about ladies kicking ass and taking names that could be written, but does not exist. It is a daily heartache.

4) What's your favourite historical fashion? AND WHY?

Okay, I am totally gonna cheat here and give a really wide range: 1880-1920. FORTY WHOLE YEARS of absolutely fabulous developments in clothing. The change in silhouettes and design is so radical, and I love comparing the shifts in style with the historical periods and social going-ons of the times! 1880's dresses are gorgeous layered monsters, 1890's move to a sleeker, longer frame, the early 1900's were all about slimming down and trimming down frills. As for men's fashion, omg the change in suit fits is delightful, the loss of the cravat was tragic. If I had to pick one period to dress in, however, definitely the 1880's. I just like bustles a lot, okay.

5) How did you discover webcomics? What made you begin reading them?

I've been reading xkcd since the seventh grade! I did not, and still don't, understand many of the jokes, but it was easy to keep up and worthwhile in the long run. I think I discovered serial webcomics not long after "getting on the internet", which is to say, the summer of '08. I do know that my first was the early rough chapters of The Meek, thanks to cullening alexds1's Avatar fanart. My second love was The Phoenix Requiem, which is incredibly pretty and still active, though I am pretty bad at keeping up with it these days. I counted the number of feeds I currently read, and it totals 13! (I didn't feel like compiling a list, but if anyone wants it feel free to comment) I guess I should also count Dreamless, which ended, and Dreamland, which I quit because I read over 1000 pages and was still bored by it.

What spawned my love for webcomics is the same parent that spawned my love for fandom itself: boredom. ;)

meme train, irl

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