WOW my cousins are fun...not

Aug 17, 2005 15:52

Well, to my dissapointment (and probably how I knew it would be all along) this week is turning out to be a terrific bore...I mean Julia is ok, at least she wants to be here, and actually likes us. But Partick, he's a different story. He hardly ever talks, I mean I have hardly heard him say an entire sentence this whole week. He's like...idk so anti-social. I hope he feels the same way i felt in germany...he only talked to his friends and kind of ignored me...I'm looking for someone to come to the beach with me tonight or to my grandmother's house tomorrow, because I REALLY don't want to spend the whole day at my grandmother's with them... well, not patrick at least. he's so unenthusiastic about everything. Today this guy named AJ and his mother came to visit them because he was an exchange student and stayed with them for nine months in Germany, and he only lives in vermont and wanted to see them before he heads to germany for a few weeks cause they won't be there while he is...they were really rude. They took Patrick and Julia into town for lunch or something, but they only stayed away for like 45 minutes....then they all came back to our house and stuck around for a was SO akward...idk what they were still doing here. Then they said they were leaving, and everyone was downstairs, and my sister and I were watching Mean Girls, and AJ and his mother just stood there gaping at the screen like complete idiots for the rest of the movie...which was like 30-35 minutes...and they said they were that was really akward, and earlier today this girl from Italy called for Patrick...who told him that he could give out our number in the first place???? Ugh I am just so pissed right now...this was supposed to be fun, and it's turning out to be boring as HELL. Right now, they are outside hitting a tennis ball against the garage and like fighting with eachother...I'm just waiting for one of them to break a light on the garage.....
well anyways
<3 Emily
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