Ok, i don't really know how to use LJ properly yet so im not sure how to make my link shrinky... xD Oh well give me advice or click it damn you!
http://community.livejournal.com/lolita_fucks/ One of the best LJ communities ever. Seriously. *laughing her arse off* I'm not a loli, i just enjoy the fashion. Many of those posts are so memorable. If every loli and cosplayer looked through that community first, there would be a hell of alot less fuck ups.
Oh and Gackt's cornrows have been getting bad publicity lately. Let me say i love them, and i think he looks hot in leather and cornrows. Almost makes you think of his time in Malice Mizer when he would frott against any object/person/animal in range. *thinks of Illuminati live with him masterbating on the speaker* Kozi was sooo hot in that performance... :D Redemption is a kick arse song, to go with what is to be a kick arse game. *can't wait till DoC comes out in Australia* Not only is it Vincent's game, but Gackt is the big bad villian.
Everyone must get me Vincent Valentine plushies for christmas/birthday! *huggles her currently imaginary soon to be real Vinny plushy* Must have little gold squishy-scary claw, gun holsters and little squishy gun that he can carry. xD My mother still thinks im insane for luffing on Vinny at every chance... <3 <3 <3
Ok back on topic. *coughs* I like Gackt's cornrows. Full stop... exclimation mark! Sure they arn't his best hair do of all time, but they still look awsome on him. Then... Gackt would look good in a plastic bag... O___O A see through plastic bag... *drools on her shoe* .....
Oh yeah... Well bye. xD :P *cleans off drool hastily with tissue, but when it becomes saturated resorts to industrialy obsorbant towel*