I was just reading a fantastic fic by the lovely
Orithain &
Rina called
Someone To Belong To over at area52 and realised just how fucking awsome Radek is as the dominant in that relationship! I'm a huge Ronon/Radek fan and the opposit never really occured to me.
But now i'm hooked and on a quest for more!
Maby i'll write something. But then again i've still got a block on my Ronon/Rodney thingie. Ahh well.
Jason Momoa is such a beautiful man. Pitty he's married with kids, but ahh well atleast his genes will be passed on to make beautiful offspring!
Thinking of beautiful men meeting David Nykl was fantastic! (your going to be hearing about that for years to come i swear. ;D) It's just a pitty i was so damned shy talking to him. Now there's a man i want in the pants of. >: D
David when you get into your mid life crisis and start wanting to shag younger women and drive falic symbols to feel younger i'm so available!!! ;D <3 Come visit the crazy girl with the cherry ripes in Brisbane! We can have hot bunny smex for two weeks straight only surfacing for food and bathroom breaks. 8D <3
I'ma gonna try to start posting here more often, even if it's just to randomly rant about things that make no sense to people who arn't me or post fiction. : )
On the artsy side i started taking commishes for avi dolls on gaia and it's going great. Everyone i've served has become a regular! : D
I'm really freeking horney at the moment. It's times like this i wish i had a beautiful asian man, hard, naked and tied to my bed. *fans self*
Or a beautiful curvy brunette with soft breasts (real ones dammit! I hate fake boobs) and deep, dark eyes. *sigh*
I need to get layed... >__>;;