Jul 16, 2007 01:06
Reasons to like the movie:
1. LUCIUS' BONDAGE SUIT!!eleventy1!!1!!!!one!!1!!! <3 >: D
2. Alan Rickman had his best performance as Snape yet! I was willfully squeeing with happyness everytime he swooped in, or sneered! My face just about split i was smiling so much. My mother thought i was verry weird. xD <3
3. Fantastic battle scene.
4. AWSOME casting for Delores! She looks and dresses like the queen. xD
5. Fantastic graphics! The dementors were sweeett...
6. Lucius is THE sex. Snape gets points for this to. : D <3
7. Bella was well casted, not what i would have chosen and not how i imagined her. But good none the less.
Reasons to not like the movie:
1. Dispite what everyone else thinks i don't like the casting for Luna. She isn't outgoing enough. Far to incipid and 'nice'.
2. Lacking ability to stick to the book, though better than the last one. xD
3. Hermy is FRIKKEN ANNO!! D:
Overall it was a good movie though. Allthough events weren't nessicarily true to the book the director managed to make it mesh really well for cinima without cutting out anything really important. I wish kretcher got more of a role though... : ( Ditto to meh Luc and Severus.
harry potter and the ministry of secrets,
harry potter