Sep 16, 2005 16:21
i am looking for a few serious, reliable voluenteers to run Exrae for me while i am in Russia!
really, you have to be dedicated to working a few set hours for 2 weeks. these hours will depend on how much you want to work and also how many voluenteers i can find.
there will be a contract to sign to make sure nobody steals anything while you are working and just to set the rules.
also, there will have to be a short training process to teach you how to set up the shop, use the register and also take cards. its not hard at all since the shop is so tiny.
I will be gone from September 26th to October 10th so if anybody wants to and can voluenteer during those dates, call me, email me, or write me on here and let me know.
i am in dire need of help because i need to make rent!
if you voluenteer, you will get products at a discounted price and maybe lunch some days if we arent poor.
and if you want to but cant through those dates, i need people all the time!
i work 2 jobs and it is sometimes hard to get the shop open because im so tired.
CALL Exrae @ 805-652-0275 and leave a message with your name, number and when you can voluenteer
EMAIL me at
OR just reply to this
thanks and for people who havnt seen the shop yet, stop by!
433 East Main Street • Ventura, CA (Downtown Across the Street from Subway)