...a big, neon sign over my house, that says, "Crazy Cat Lady". Yes, we briefly had yet another cat. Last night, Jon came home from work a little after midnight. He heard a "mew, mew, mew!", and turned to see a little kitten running towards him from across the street. As he walked up onto the porch and opened the door, this little guy walked right in, found the litter box and used it, then found the food bowl and proceeded to eat as tho he hadn't had a meal in days. We couldn't just put him outside again for the night, our temps have been in the teens, soon to be in the single digits. Seeing as Jenny and Romeo were not happy to see yet another cat in the house, we had to lock them out of the bedroom, and set up a temporary food & poop area. Kitten insisted on sleeping in the bed with us - anyone who's had that happen knows how little sleep we got, with tiny paws kneading us, occasional mews, and trips to the food & poop. Still, nothing beats little kitten smell and soft kitten fur.
He's a real beauty - a long-ish hair dark grey tabby, he's going to have a fluffy tail and a grand ruff when he's an adult. And he's got big paws and long legs, so he'll be a big one, too. But we knew we couldn't keep him, we're already supporting two indoor cats, and two ferals outside. So this morning, I had to take Kitten to the shelter. They assured me that, as young and as cute as he is, and the fact that he's already housebroken and has a great disposition, he'll be adopted in no time. Still, even knowing it was the best thing to do for Kitten, it was still hard to leave him there. I wish I could keep all the cats at home.
Thinking about it, tho, that makes 7 cats we've rescued in the past year or so, if I include Romeo. So many cats, so little time and money. We do what we can do.