Well, I thought having two kitties would work out - but, no. They seemed to be getting along okay, then Pretty Girl ran out of her post-op pain meds. Apparently, the getting-along thing was merely a result of the drugs, because now they fight. Jenny will hiss and growl, then turn to run away. Then, Pretty Girl chases her and the claws come out, and the fur flies. So, now they're in separate parts of the house, and I'm going to have to find Pretty Girl a new home. I already have a couple of options with people I know, so it won't be too hard. And I still know I did the right thing, took a kitty off the streets, got her fixed, and now will find her a place to live. Still, it's sad - she's such a sweet, loving kitty, except when she's around Jenny. And Jenny's about 12 years old, she doesn't need this crap. All she has to do is see the other cat, and Jenny goes into hiding, even long after Pretty Girl is locked up in the other half of the house.
She's so pretty! But if I can give her to friends, at least I can see her from time to time.