Hello all!
Just got back from the August 29 "The World Says No To Bush" protest in New York City. It was great! I also went to an awesome conference called Life after Capitalism.
http://www.lifeaftercapitalism.org I am looking forward to attending a similar conference next year, that will be in Portland, Oregon called "A World Beyond Capitalism." But thats next year. Website:
http://www.awbc.lfhniivaaaa.info The Life After Capitalism conference was so fantastic. It makes me happy to see how many people are so organized these days. I was able to get housing during the protests with two complete strangers using the housing boards located here:
http://www.counterconvention.org I would have liked to attended the NY social forum but I couldn't stay that long because it is so expensive to live in NYC. NY Social forum:
http://www.nycsocialforum.org I was happy to see Floppy, Joanee Freedom a few nights before the conference. Directly after the conference was over, I saw Diamond Dave and Jim. Thats was awesome. They were feeding people free food.
I love you all,
You-know-who (or maybe not) ;o)