Sep 17, 2006 18:58
dear universe:
i don't like you and you don't like me. what? you like me? you sure have a funny way of showing it sometimes, but i'll take your word for it. i guess i like you too (except for the part about black holes. those scare me forever! oh god, we'll all die!) so do me a solid, yeah? make that sweet, sweet bit of asssouthside apartment mine. i know i ask a lot of things of you, but this is pretty freaking important. this place is great. there are windows every-freaking-where, wood floors except for the kitchen, A GAS STOVE/OVEN which is the bossest of the boss, BASICALLY ALL OF MY FRIENDS NEARBY (even kayla, who has since moved to humbolt park), and a back door opening onto a fire escape which ensures i will not perish in a fire like i have been afraid of since i was three years old. and i'm pretty much betting on a fire since that heater? is from the era of silent films. in conclusion, please to be getting me this awesome place with awesome allison by the end of the week. in return, i will be the best damn kaylee i can be come this halloween. i feel this is a fair trade.
j.c. superstar, esq.
ps-also, i want a kitten.
non-parental housing situations,
white sox what?,
el fucking faro or die,
fuck yeah cheap rent,
public library wireless internet