Ohmygoodness! How DO I Get SO Behind?!

Aug 25, 2019 15:49

I used to never get behind like this!  :O  I used to pride myself at being a great LJ friend.  I tell you, life has been coming at me, and I am just crazy overwhelmed.  I'm sorry it has been that way for a while, too, and believe me, I am tired of it.  :/  There are a few other things that have been happening, and I don't know how to explain them, but after I go to the doctor--hopefully this week--I'm hoping I will be able to explain myself a bit better.  Thanks for not giving up on me, and if you already have, I quite understand.  *nods*  If you need to defriend me, I will understand.  Just let me know, please!  :)

I need to tell y'all of this great place!  --->
Click on it and be taken to a great place of sigtags, and blinkies, and games, and contests, and creativity, and festivities, and FUN!  :D  Best of all--NO DRAMA or ugly.  The owner simply will NOT allow it.  Everyone that I have met over there is awesome, and friendly, and giving, and helpful, and just FUN!  :D  Come on over and have a look-see.  You'll be glad you did!  :D

I hope you folks are all well.  I'm popping in here and there, and will be working to stay in touch and caught up.  Love you folks!  x)  ♥︎

public, pics & banners, health stuffs, overwhelmed, funktification, promoting communities, grateful, i'm sorry :(

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