[POST SUBJECT]: Term ##; Diagon Period #XX
term ##;
diagon elite
theme #XX
diagon period #xx;
Ending Date: [DATE] @ 9:00PM CST (10:00PM EST)
Section: Theme for Period #XX
Eligibility: Diagon Shop Owners
Each graphic (with the exception of variations) that meets the above requirements will receive one bonus point, provided you are sure to label them as being themed. If you have any questions, simply leave a comment here and I'll get back to you as soon as I am able to.
All shop posts that fall within the posting date of this entry and the ending date of this Diagon Period will be graded at our earliest convenience. Please do not edit your posts or delete any files from your server until the Galleon Roundup has been posted in the community.
Diagon FAQ & Shop Application List of Shops & Total Galleons Tag Archive of Shops & Shipments [POST SUBJECT]: Term ##; Diagon Period #XX - Points
term ##;
diagon elite
points #XX
diagon period #xx;
Ending Date: [DATE] @ 9:00PM CST (10:00PM EST)
Section: Points for Period #XX
Eligibility: Diagon Shop Owners
shop totals;
Diagon FAQ & Shop Application List of Shops & Total Galleons Tag Archive of Shops & Shipments total points;
Gryffindor: 000
Slytherin: 000
Ravenclaw: 000
Hufflepuff: 000
[POST SUBJECT]: Term ##; New Shop Owners
term ##;
diagon elite
new shop owners
new shop owners;
Section: New Shop Owners
Eligibility: Shop Applicants
We have finished reviewing all the shop applications and re-applications that have been submitted up until now. The following is a list of those members we have approved:
Congratulations to you all and welcome, or welcome back as the case may be, to
diagon_elite. You will be given posting access momentarily, then added to both the tags and active shop owners' list. Remember that as part of the new policy, you must update at least once during the term in order to be automatically considered a shop owner for the next. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules and afterwards feel free to open when you are ready.
Also, if you have already entered a
knockturn_elite contest as a Shopper, then please re-submit your entry as a Shop Owner. Thanks in advance.
To those not included on the list, we thank you for applying. Please continue to work on improving your graphics and we encourage you to re-apply at a later date. Best of luck to you and anyone else who chooses to do so during the next Diagon Period.
Diagon FAQ & Shop Application List of Shops & Total Galleons Tag Archive of Shops & Shipments [POST SUBJECT]: Term ##; Prophet Period #XX
term ##;
prophet elite
theme #XX
prophet period #xx;
Ending Date: [DATE] @ 9:00PM CST (10:00PM EST)
Section: Theme for Period #XX
Eligibility: Prophet Writers
All posts that fall within the posting date of this entry and the ending date of this Prophet Period will be graded at our earliest convenience. Please do not edit your posts or delete any files from your server until that Galleon Roundup has been posted in the community.
Prophet FAQ & Posting Format Tag Archive of Writers & Points HE Policy for NC-17 Works [POST SUBJECT]: Term ##; Period #XX - Points
term ##;
prophet elite
points #XX
prophet period #xx;
Ending Date: [DATE] @ 9:00PM CST (10:00PM EST)
Section: Points for Period #XX
Eligibility: Prophet Writers
individual totals;
editors' picks;
Prophet FAQ & Posting Format Tag Archive of Writers & Points HE Policy for NC-17 Works total points;
Gryffindor: 000
Slytherin: 000
Ravenclaw: 000
Hufflepuff: 000
[POST SUBJECT]: Term ##; LIMS Contest #XX
term ##;
LIMS contest #XX
contest prompt;
LIMS is a weekly icon contest where the members vote for their favorite icons. As the weeks progress, members with the fewest votes will be eliminated. Each member who enters is given one bye, meaning they won't have to participate that week. If you fail to submit an icon and you have not used your bye, it will automatically be used for you. If you have, you will be disqualified from this competition. To use your bye, please comment
Each week you will be given an image to use as the base of your icon. You must use this image or your icon will be disqualified. Any further modification of the image is allowed, except for animation. This week's image can be found
here. When we get to the semifinal round, you will be given more than one image and will be required to make an icon from however many images there are. Good luck!
contest information;
Ending Date: [DATE] @ 9:00PM CST (10:00PM EST)
Section: Contest Prompt Post
Eligibility: [ELIGIBILITY]
contest specifics;
Entry must be specifically made for this contest.
Do not share your entry with anyone else.
You may only submit one entry to this contest unless otherwise stated in the prompt.
Icons must be 100x100 or less and under 40KB, as per LiveJournal limitations.
Do not use LiveJournal to host your images.
Leave entries and questions as a comment to this post.
possible points;
500: First Place
300: Second Place
100: Third Place
050: Instructor's Choice
020: Participation
entry formatting;
House: URL: [POST SUBJECT]: Term ##; LIMS Contest #XX Voting
term ##;
LIMS contest #XX
voting information;
Ending Date: [DATE] @ 9:00PM CST (10:00PM EST)
Section: Contest Voting Post
Eligibility: All Hogwarts Elite Members
voting specifics;
Fill out the entire poll to vote.
Do not vote for your own entry.
Suspicious votes will be disqualified.
Leave questions as a comment to this post.
contest entries;
voting poll;
[POST SUBJECT]: Term ##; LIMS Contest #XX Results
term ##;
LIMS contest #XX
results information;
Ending Date: [DATE] @ 9:00PM CST (10:00PM EST)
Section: Contest Results Post
Eligibility: All Hogwarts Elite Members
contest winners;
First Place: with 000 points.
[HOUSE]: 500 Points.
Second Place: with 000 points.
[HOUSE]: 300 Points.
Third Place: with 000 points.
[HOUSE]: 100 Points.
Instructor's Choice: with 000 points.
[HOUSE]: 050 Points.
Icon #XX: with 000 points.
bye used;
Gryffindor: 000
Slytherin: 000
Ravenclaw: 000
Hufflepuff: 000
voting points;
Gryffindor: 000
Slytherin: 000
Ravenclaw: 000
Hufflepuff: 000
total points;
Gryffindor: 000
Slytherin: 000
Ravenclaw: 000
Hufflepuff: 000
[POST SUBJECT]: Term ##; LIMS Bye Post
term ##;
LIMS contest #XX
bye post.
Ending Date: [DATE OF ROUND END] @ 9:00PM CST (10:00PM EST)
Section: Contest Sign-up/Bye Post
Eligibility: All Hogwarts Elite Members/Eligible LIMS Participants
contest specifics;
LIMS is a weekly icon contest where the members vote for their favorite icons. As the weeks progress, members with the fewest votes will be eliminated. Each member who enters is given one bye, meaning they won't have to participate that week. If you fail to submit an icon and you have not used your bye, it will automatically be used for you. If you have, you will be disqualified from this competition.
[IF FIRST ROUND]: To sign up for participating in the contest, please comment on this post.
[AFTER FIRST ROUND]: Since the first round has ended, signups are closed. This post will be used to track the number of participants remaining and who has used their byes. If you want to use your bye, please comment on this post.
current participants;