(no subject)

Dec 11, 2008 20:23

      term 16;
      icon contest #01
contest prompt;
Your task is to create two icons that will be voted on as a set. The concept is to make one icon that is related to a Harry Potter character, and then create another icon from a different fandom that focuses on a character that can be compared to the Harry Potter character. For example, if you were to make (to choose a generic example) a Dumbledore icon and a Gandalf icon. Please be more creative than that. Most TV shows & movies have people in them that can be compared to a Harry Potter character, so be creative!

contest information;

Ending Date: [DATE] @ 9:00PM CST (10:00PM EST)

Section: Contest Prompt Post

Eligibility: All Hogwarts Elite Members

contest specifics;

Entry must be specifically made for this contest.

Do not share your entry with anyone else.

You may only submit one entry to this contest unless otherwise stated in the prompt.

Icons must be 100x100 or less and under 40KB, as per LiveJournal limitations.

Do not use LiveJournal to host your images.

Leave entries and questions as a comment to this post.

possible points;

500: First Place

300: Second Place

100: Third Place

020: Participation

entry formatting;
Shop Owner: Yes/No

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