May 29, 2006 22:24
Step 1: Put your iPod or whatever on random.
Step 2: Post the first line from the first 20 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist the lines come from
Step 4: Strike out the songs(like so) when someone guesses correctly.
Step 5: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING! (NO CHEATING)
1. All the world has gone to bed...
2. Two-hundred miles away from home...
3. There will be the time for words and there will be the time for you to say you understand...
4. Now that it's June, we'll sleep out in the garden... (Devin)
5. The mercury's rising, the barometer's getting low...
6. Sometimes the feeling is right, you fall in love for the first time...
7. Timing is everything. You know it's beautiful, look at you... (Devin)
8. As he came into the window it was the sound of a crescendo...
9. Honey, you are a rock upon which I stand... (Devin)
10. They say it fades if you let it, love was made to forget it... (Devin)
11. You look so good in the clothes of a poser... (Devin)
12. Your last words will not be heard, there are too many of them no one deserves...
13. I'll see you next fall at another gun show, I'll call the day before like usual... (Devin)
14. All the boys voices cracking... (Kerri)
15. We're a nation full of dumbbells, pulling nightshifts at the gym... (Devin)
16. I've got a cupboard with cans of food, filtered water, and pictures of you... (Devin)
17. I woke the dawn, saw horses growing out the lawn... (Devin)
18. (song title), I will be with you when you loose your brain...
19. I'd like to be under the sea... (Kerri)
20. Oh, (song title), where you gonna run to?
This drove me crazy to make -- I didn't realize how many instrumental songs I had.