Going to a write-in with Jen today at 4! Going to be tons of fun, just like last week! Great people who we write with.
1.I'm sure we all know what your name is... so, tell us what your boss' name is.
Dan something or other, and he's an asshole!
2. Do you actually read your friend's surveys, or do you just copy paste them and fill them out yourself?
I read them cause you never know what your going to find out about someone. Or who's going to have the wittiest answers.
3. Which is your favorite episode of "I Love Lucy"?
I only remember two of them. The one at the chocolate factory where Lucy can't keep up with the machine. And the vita-veggie-vitamins one. I like them both.
5. Do you consider yourself a deep thinker?
Most of the time, I guess.
6. Name three people who you are closest friends with?
Kitty, Jen Weber and Gin
7. Which one of those three people would you eat first, if you were starving?
Hmm.. Probably Jen Weber cause she's the only one who can't read this.
8. How many red shirts would you say you own, off the top of your head?
Like... five? Maybe?
9. No one cares whether or not you believe in love at first sight... but, do you believe in hate at first sight?
Sure do! But I still give the benefit of the doubt, obviously. I've hated a lot of people before I ever talked to them, like Gin!
10. If you said yes to the last question, do you think that the reason you are so hateful and judgmental is because you didn't receive enough love when you were a child?
No, I recieved plenty of love when I was little. I think it's just because... well, because I don't like certain people.
11. How old will you be in 2021?
34.. I think.
12. Would you rather be tone deaf or color blind?
Hm.. color blind. Theres just something about tone deaf people that drive me up a wall. And really, it's better for all of humanity if I were to be color blind, because they aren't allowed to drive, right?
13. When do you think is the proper time in a relationship to give the other person your business card?
When you meet them and want them to call you to ask them out on a date. After that, like if you had been dating for a month or so, it would just be weird.
14. When you were a kid, which comic strip was your favorite?
Sadly, I didn't read comic strips. I went outside and played and did fun stuff.
15. You can only wear a sock on one foot for the rest of your life... which foot is it ?
The left foot. It gets colder then the right foot in the winter. Strange, but true.
16. How many words can you make out of the letters of your name?
Cole, lice, nice, ice, line, that's all I can get.
17. How do you feel about fake plants?
Sometimes they are nice. Sometimes they are cheesy.
18. What is your obsessive compulsion?
All my food has to be picked into bite sized portions. Everything gets ripped. I don't know why I do it either, but I always have.
19. What do you think the odds are of the person who posted this before you becoming a rock star?
20. Do you know what the heck the difference is between the statements "we're just dating" and "we're together"?
Dating is going out to like.. the movies and dinner and things lke that
Together is a little more intimate
21. When you think, do you see the words that you are thinking in your mind, as if they were being written down?
YES! And sometimes I see pictures.
22. If a person is brought up speaking both Spanish and English in equal amounts and equally fluently, which language do they think in?
I really don't know. If they switch back and forth without realizing it when they are speaking, I think they think in both languages in the same way. Other then that, I have no idea because I don't have that problem.
23. Does it make you uncomfortable when people ask you your shoe size?
No, should it?
24. Would you feel guilty about cheating on your taxes if you got away with it?
I don't do my taxes, my mom does them for me. Either still, I don't really know.
25. You are walking on the beach when suddenly you find a genie lamp. You rub it, and out pops the genie. He proclaims that he is so thankful to you for letting him out after thousands of years that he gives you three wishes. What do you think he did with his time while he was in there?
Obviously nothing fun. I think he got a lot of kinks in this neck, probably a couple of sore muscles. Worked on his spells a little bit and make the lamp a little more homey and comfortable for living. I'm sure he was naughty with himself on a few occassions. Maybe he even redecorated a few times. It has to be pretty lonely in the lamp when your alone for thousands of years.
26. If you had braces, would you put little diamonds on your brackets and call them your "grill"?
Of course!
27. You have 24 hours to live... what are you going to wear?!?!?
Clothes, which might make my suite mates happy.
28. Which is worse... someone blowing cigarette smoke in your face, or kissing someone who has dip in their mouth?
Oh, ew. Gross. Kissing someone with dip in their mouth. They are both just gross, but, it's already been in your mouth, swallow before you attack me with your mouth.
29. Had you ever answered any of these questions before?
Heh, no.
30. Have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced?
Yeah, and I'm still thinking about it, but I don't know if I'm going to do it or not.
31. Who were you with last night?
Kenzie and Jen until about midnight. And then just Jen until about two when I crawled out of her room to attack the toilet.
32. What woke you up this morning?
Danielle's feet pounding on the floor. The light and really loud sounds. Being hung over and waking up to that... not fun at all!
33. Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor?
Yeah, just last night. And then I woke up and passed out on the toilet. I think I drank a litte to much. Oh well.